
Displaying 11101 - 11110 of 14468

Save the Children,

This booklet is based on a recent internal desk review of Save the Children’s and partners’ work against physical and humiliating punishment of children, commissioned by Save the Children Sweden. It aims to present best practices, to show what methods have worked around the world, and to spread knowledge about results achieved and lessons learned when it comes to law reform and positive discipline.  

Bernard van Leer Foundation,

'Early Childhood Matters' is an annual publication from the Bernard van Leer Foundation which aims to “spread awareness of promising solutions to support holistic child development and explore the elements needed to take those solutions to scale.”

Faiza Shaheen, Jonathan Glennie, Amanda Lenhardt, José Manuel Roche and Lucia Cizmaziova - Save the Children,

This report tells the story of “forgotten children,” children who are relegated to the margins of society due to discrimination and subjected to the hardships of poverty. The report is aimed at identifying what is required to meet the needs of these children and to ensure their basic rights to survive and thrive, to learn, and to be protected.

Gloria K. Seruwagi, Francis Ssuubi, Eric A. Ochen - European Journal of Research in Social Sciences,

The overall objective of this study was to deepen understanding on the experiences and support systems of grandparent-headed households with children of prisoners (CoP) in Uganda.

Ilifa Labantwana, the Children’s Institute at the University of Cape Town (UCT) and the Department for Planning, Monitoring and Evaluation (DPME) in the Presidency,

This report reviews South Africa’s National Integrated Early Childhood Development Policy, which was approved by the Cabinet in December 2015. The policy is aimed at providing a framework for multi-sectoral Early Childhood Development services in South Africa. 

International Social Service (ISS),

 ISS has developed a handbook for professionals working in the adoption field that provides guidance on how to respond when illegal practices have been identified in an adoption case.

ACCI Relief,

Kinnected is a program run in 10 countries by the organization ACCI Relief aimed at preserving and strengthening families and assisting children currently in residential care to achieve their right to be raised in a family. This report describes Kinnected’s programs and initiatives underway in Cambodia, Sri Lanka, and Lesotho and includes some individual case studies.

Better Volunteering Better Care,

Este documento provee una explicación detallada de las razones que Better Volunteering Better Care está desalentando el voluntariado internacional en orfanatos (centros de atención residencial).

ACCI Missions & Relief,

This manual from ACCI International is designed to be used by those in the Christian Faith Community who are engaged in Short-Term Missions (STM), including those who send or receive STM teams. The manual is focused on protecting children and families during STM programs.

Sean McIntyre - Case Western Reserve Law Review,

This article from the Case Western Reserve Law Review journal in the United States presents a proposal to reduce, and ultimately eliminate, the rehoming of adopted children in the United States.