
Displaying 11161 - 11170 of 14449


This report looks at the adaptation of Retrak’s Family Reintegration Standard Operating Procedures in the context of children in temporary youth detention institutions, known as remand homes, in Uganda. 


This study sought to inform improvements in service delivery of Retrak’s Independent Living programme by listening to and documenting the voices of participants. 

Chrissie Gale - Scottish Journal of Residential Child Care,

This study discusses a variance in results in eliminating use of large-scale residential institutions for children across the CEE/CIS region.  

Tendai Marima - Aljazeera,

This article describes how thousands of minors have taken risky journeys to escape a political crisis in Burundi and landed in refugee camps in bordering countries.

Save the Children Sweden,

Through the voices of children, parents and staff working in the region, this report by Save the Children presents a glimpse into the struggles faced by refugee and displaced children and families from Syria. The report is primarily based on children’s stories as told to Save the Children in urban areas in Lebanon and in camps and urban areas in the Kurdistan Region of Iraq. Drawings and other playful sessions were used with the children to help them tell stories of their everyday lives without the negative impact a deep interview might have.

Rubenstein BL, Spencer C, Mansourian H, Noble E, Munganga GB, and Stark L,

A mobile phone-based community surveillance system was piloted in the Democratic Republic of the Congo with the goal of identifying new cases of unaccompanied and separated children on a weekly basis.

UNICEF Guinea,

Le présent document sert de guide simplifié pour l’orientation des différents intervenants   impliqués dans la prise en charge psychosociale des enfants en centre de traitement Ebola depuis l’accueil en passant par le séjour hospitalier de l’enfant et la gestion de sa sortie.


Même si la crise des enfants migrants non accompagnés d’Amérique centrale qui tentent de rejoindre les Etats-Unis ne fait plus la une des journaux, elle continue. De concert avec les gouvernements, l’UNICEF s’efforce de remédier aux causes de cette migration et de garantir la protection et les droits des enfants qui décident d'entreprendre ce périlleux périple.

Global Initiative to End All Corporal Punishment of Children & Save the Children Sweden,

The report discusses progress made towards universal prohibition of corporal punishment of children, including by highlighting examples from individual states that have recently implemented legal and policy reforms. The report also considers prohibition and elimination of corporal punishment in the context of the new Sustainable Development Goals, and discusses initiatives by religious leaders and members of faith-based communities and organisations that are increasingly taking action towards prohibition and elimination of corporal punishment. Lastly, the report discusses the latest research relating to corporal punishment.

Irene Konterllnik & Cristina Fraccia,

Nuevo libro: Infancia: transitando nuevos caminos.

Lecturas y propuestas en torno a la Ley de Protección Integral de los derechos de Niñas, Niños y Adolescentes. Un aporte para provincias y municipios.