
Displaying 12331 - 12340 of 14437

Family for Every Child,

Family For Every Child is seeking an experienced researcher who demonstrates knowledge of a range of participatory tools and social research concepts/approaches.

Helen Davidson - The Guardian,

This article highlights the dangers of orphanage volunteering and explains why NGOs and other child protection agencies urge against volunteering in orphanages in Cambodia.

Seema Naaz,

In the last decade, a lot of research has been undertaken on the issue of domestic or intimate partner violence in India but limited research has been undertaken on the issue from a child’s perspective, that is, intra-parental violence. The children – silent witnesses of intra-parental violence (IPV) are neglected not only by the parents but also by researchers and the state. Thus, there remain very few opportunities to bring the children to the notice of the society. Often the society and the legal systems designed to help victims of domestic violence fail to address the needs of the children due to lack of sensitivity towards their vulnerability. Ample laws do exist in India that deal with the issue of domestic violence, still there is a long way to go to understand the plight of children being exposed to IPV as silent witnesses and give it recognition as a social problem that requires legal intervention.

Nathan Linsk,

This is a PowerPoint presentation by Nathan Linsk from the April 2014 Symposium “Supporting Families, Building a Better Tomorrow for Children: The Role of the Social Service Workforce” hosted by the Global Social Service Workforce Alliance.

Republic of Moldova,

În scopul implementării prevederilor Convenţiei internaţionale cu privire la drepturile copilului, adoptate de Adunarea Generală a Organizaţiei Naţiunilor Unite la 22 noiembrie 1989, la care Republica Moldova a aderat prin Hotărîrea Parlamentului

Department for Education,

This guidance from the UK Department for Education sets out the steps local authorities and their partners should take to prevent children from going missing and to protect them when they do go missing.

Rhys Price-Robertson, Leah Bromfield and Alister Lamont - Australian Institute of Family Studies, Commonwealth of Australia,

This paper offers a broad overview of some of the main approaches to child protection used internationally. Using examples from Canada, Sweden, Belgium and the Gaza Strip, it offers policy-makers the chance to reflect on the strengths and weaknesses of different approaches, as well as how these examples might be used to inspire improvements within the Australian context.

The Scottish Independent Advocacy Alliance,

This document has been produced to provide guidance for advocacy organisations and advocates delivering independent advocacy to families at risk.

National Gender and Equality Commission,

This report presents the findings of an audit of the cash transfer programs for the Orphans and Vulnerable Children (OVC), Persons with Severe Disability (PWSD), and the Elderly in 21 sub-counties of Kenya, to provide the national and county governments with a snap shot account of the implementation of the cash transfer program and the level of participation of the vulnerable populations in programs designed for them.