
Displaying 12821 - 12830 of 14435

Dr. Charles H. Zeanah, M.D., MS. Carole Shauffer, J.D., and Dr. Mary Dozier, Ph.D. - Journal of the American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry,

This article focuses on a central problem of foster care, which is that it is often not developmentally informed.

Daniela Papi TEDx Oxbridge ,

In this TED Talk, Daniela Papi - founder of PEPY, a Cambodian youth leadership organization, and PEPY Tours, a development education travel company - speaks of the ways that international volunteering can be harmful to children and communities and urges volunteers and organizations to rethink “voluntourism.”

Kelley Bunkers and Karen Rotabi ,

Helping families and their kin develop care plans for orphaned and vulnerable children was the objective of the family group conferencing (FGC) training that took place in Guatemala City from July 10-12, 2012. This family preservation approach for developing strategies to prevent the institutionalization of children emphasizes the strengths of families and their capacity to solve their own problems and develop their own care plans.

Ministry of Social Development, Government of Lesotho,

A document containing the policy for foster care and adoption in Lesotho.

Ministry of Social Development, Government of Lesotho,

This document contains the Procedures and Practice Guidelines for Foster Care and Adoption in Lesotho. 

Republic of Zambia Ministry of Health,

This document outlines an overarching National Health Policy for Zambia.

Nick Axford, Delbert S. Elliott, Michael Little,

This article describes the Blueprints database of evidence-based programmes (EBPs) and its potential application in children's services in European countries.

Rebecca Davis,Jim McCaffery, and Alessandro Conticini ,

This paper is a response to the increasing need for agreement on approaches and documented evidence of good practices consistent with system strengthening work. The purpose of the Inter-Agency Working Paper is to consolidate current thinking, examples and lessons learned about child protection system strengthening in sub-Saharan Africa and suggest a way forward.

Save the Children UK and UNICEF,

Research was conducted in five Rift Valley towns in Kenya in 2011 to understand the link between emergencies and the perceived increase of children joining the streets. Findings show that emergencies such as Post Election Violence and drought have caused children to join the streets. By far the biggest reason for children joining the streets was food insecurity. The authors advocate for an urgent, large-scale response to place children currently connected to the streets in durable situations in tandem with a multi-sectorial development approach to tackle and address the root of the crisis.

Government of Malawi and UNICEF,

This mapping and assessment report of Malawi’s Child Protection System offers key recommendations to strengthen the child protection system, including enforcing legislation, coordinating mechanisms, building capacity of the social service workforce, harmonization of child protection services, and strengthening accountability mechanisms.