
Displaying 13021 - 13030 of 14435

Emily R. Munro, John Pinkerton, Philip Mendes, Georgia Hyde-Dryden, Maria Herczog, Rami Benbenishty - Children and Youth Services Review,

The paper explores how the UNCRC reporting process, and guidelines from the Committee outlining how States should promote the rights of young people making the transition from care to adulthood, can be used as an instrument to track global patterns of change in policy and practice. 

Congressional Coalition for Adoption ,

Released by a group of former United States foster youth as a comprehensive report on the system in which they were raised, this report details the Congressional Coalition on Adoption Institute’s (CCAI) Foster Youth Internship (FYI) recommendations on improving hot-button issues ranging from immigration, education, mentoring, psychotropic drugs, child abuse and government accountability

Ruth V Reed, Dr Mina Fazel, Lynne Jones, Prof Catherine Panter-Brick, and Prof Alan Stein,

This study involved a systematic review of individual, family, community and social risk and protective factors for the mental health of children and adolescents who were forcibly displaced to high-income countries.

Ministry of Gender, Labour and Social Development - Uganda,

This paper highlights human resource and funding gaps that constrain provision of child care and protection services. It advocates for strengthening of social welfare workforce and funding to improve child care and protection services in Uganda.

Ministry of Gender and Family Promotion, Government of Rwanda,

The Integrated Child Rights Policy is conceived with the objectives of strengthening the thinking and analysis around policies related to children and the coordination and implementation of Government activities for realization of children’s rights.

Ministry of Social Affairs, Veterans and Youth Rehabilitation ,

This document provides minimum standards and guidelines for service providers who work with orphans and vulnerable children (OVC) in Cambodia.

Manara Network for Child Rights, Save the Children Sweden, Defence for Children International - Palestine Section, Developmental Action Without Borders,

This report aims at describing and analysing existing protection mechanisms available for Palestinian refugee children with a focus on Lebanon and the occupied Palestinian territory (oPt).

Muslim Women’s Shura Council (August, 2011),

In this position paper, the Muslim Women’s Shura Council considers whether adoption can be possible within an Islamic framework.

Yara Abdul-Hamid - Save the Children,

This report provides an overview of children's rights issues in the Middle East and North Africa.

Matilde Luna - RELAF,

This paper, produced by RELAF, is part of a series of publications on children without parental care in Latin America: Contexts, causes and answers. This document, and others in the series, pertains to the broad topic of children without parental care and examines the particular situation of institutionalised children.