
Displaying 1511 - 1520 of 14428

Paul Kirby - BBC News,

US Secretary of State Antony Blinken has called on Russia to stop forced deportations and "filtration" operations involving Ukrainians. Russia had detained and forcibly moved to Russia some 900,000 to 1.6 million people, many of them children, he said.

Family for Every Child,

Family for Every Child is initiating a process for developing global inter-agency guidance on kinship care aimed at policy makers and programme managers. The guidance will be designed to convince governments, UN agencies and NGOs about the need to prioritise support to kinship care. The guidance will also outline the key components of this support, providing examples of promising practice.

Rebecca Nhep - Better Care Network,

Join us on July 13 for a free webinar to launch and discuss a landmark collaborative report – Insights Into the World of Privatized Faith-Based Residential Care Facilities in Myanmar. Learn about the report’s findings and take part in a Q&A with the report’s lead researcher and other key contributors.

Republic of Kenya,

The Children Act, 2022, is an act of Parliament to give effect to Article 53 of the Constitution; to make provision for children rights, parental responsibility, alternative care of children including guardianship, foster care placement and adoption; to make provision for care and protection of children and children in conflict with the law; to make provision for, and regulate the administration of children services; to establish the National Council for Children’s Services and for connected purposes.

UN Special Rapporteur on the sale and sexual exploitation of children, including child prostitution, child pornography and any other child sexual abuse material,

In the present report, the UN Special Rapporteur on the sale and sexual exploitation of children, including child prostitution, child pornography and other child sexual abuse material, describes the activities undertaken in relation to the discharge of her mandate since her previous report to the United Nations General Assembly. She also presents a thematic study on addressing the vulnerabilities of children to sale and sexual exploitation within the framework of the Sustainable Development Goals.

Eamon McCrory,

This guide aims to share some of the latest research findings with those who are working every day to support children who have experienced complex trauma in the form of maltreatment.

Save the Children,

The Child Protection Technical Expert (TE) has a central role in the country office given our focus on quality programming. The Child Protection (TE) will use their in-depth understanding of the context, technical expertise and skills to define and achieve our strategic ambition for child protection in Senegal, particularly in strengthening child protection systems. at national and local level, the protection of girls and boys from all forms of GBV, the protection of children on the move as well as the protection of girls and boys in and around schools.

Beatrice Zemelyte - Al Jazeera,

More than a quarter of Ukrainians – 12 million – have been forced to leave their homes. While about seven million are internally displaced, five million have sought asylum in neighbouring European countries, the UNHCR says. And throughout the war, observers have been noting a double standard in the treatment of refugees. While those from other conflict-hit nations are shunned by Western countries, Ukrainians fleeing war have been welcomed with open arms.

Better Care Network, Disability Rights International (DRI),

On 7 July 2022, the Better Care Network (BCN) and Disability Rights International (DRI) organised an event with disability and child protection actors focused on the situation of children with disabilities in residential care in Ukraine (including those children who have been returned to families or evacuated from facilities since 24 February 2022).

Lumos, KESCA,

Produced with KESCA, ‘Myths vs Reality’ highlights some of the key misconceptions associated with voluntourism, including how this could unintentionally support institution-related trafficking.