
Displaying 4141 - 4150 of 14435

World Vision,

This Africa Regional COVID-19 Situation Report outlines how how World Vision has reached over 18.2 million so far (including 6.9 million children) with their response interventions covering 26 countries on the continent. 

Maria X. Sanmartin, Mir M. Ali, Sean Lynch, et al - JAMA Pediatrics,

The purpose of this study was to evaluate the consequences of criminal justice–related prenatal substance use policies for family reunification and to examine differences in parental reunification by racial/ethnic group.

Mary C Acri ,Emily Hamovitch, Geetha Gopalan & Marina Lalayants - Journal of Public Child Welfare ,

The purpose of this study was to examine the impact of a peer-delivered detection and active outreach program upon depression and engagement in mental health services among caregivers involved in the child welfare system.

Ying Sun, Jiao Fang, Yuxiang Xu, Luopiao Xu, Puyu Su, Zhihua Zhang, Fangbiao Tao - Psychoneuroendocrinology,

The purpose of this study was to capture the association of exposure to prolonged separation from both parents early in life and allostatic load (AL), a measure of biological multi-system dysregulation.

Emma Batha - Thomson Reuters Foundation,

This article from the Thomson Reuters Foundation reports on the increase of female genital mutilation (FGM) in Somalia as a result of the lockdowns enacted to curb the spread of the coronavirus.

Save the Children,

This situation report describes progress on key areas of Save the Children's response to the COVID-19 pandemic as of May 18th, 2020.

ITV News,

A joint report by charities Barnardo’s, the Children’s Society, Action for Children, the NSPCC and the National Children’s Bureau,  warns that the COVID-19 pandemic will exacerbate existing problems in underfunded local authorities and calls on the UK Government to invest money in children’s services to stop families reaching crisis point after coronavirus, says this article from ITV News.

United Nations in Georgia,

As part of the United Nations COVID-19 Response and Recovery Fund, $1 million USD has been allocated to Georgia to protect vulnerable groups, including children, from the shocks of the current pandemic, according to this media release.

Labella MH, Lind T, Sellers T, Roben CKP, Dozier M - Journal of Abnormal Child Psychology,

The current study uses two randomized control trials, one conducted with foster caregivers and one conducted with birth parents, to investigate the longitudinal effects of caregiver type (foster versus birth parent) and a home-visiting parenting intervention on emotion regulation among young children referred to Child Protective Services (CPS).

Marie Louise McConville - The Irish News,

The Derry-based charity, Kinship Care, "said many of its kinship carers - where a grandparent, other relative or close friend is given guardianship of a child under sometimes quite traumatic circumstances - had been left without food and other essential aid as a result of the pandemic," according to this article from the Irish News.