
Displaying 9091 - 9100 of 14477

UN Office of the SRSG on Violence against Children,

This publication is inspired by personal stories and inspiring messages that capture achievements in child protection around the world.

Olivia Lang & Kevin McGregor - 100 Women: BBC News,

This BBC 100 Women video features Indira Ranamagar, who ensures Nepali children whose mothers are incarcerated receive safe homes, care and education. 

Lisa Dickens - Child & Family Social Work,

This article describes the 1‐year outcomes of youth transitioning out of a residential care facility in South Africa.

Lisa Dickens - Child & Family Social Work,

This article describes the 1‐year outcomes of youth transitioning out of a residential care facility in South Africa.

Thomas Meysen & Liz Kelly - Child & Family Social Work,

This paper explores practical and ethical dilemmas for professionals when securing the protection of children in the complex non‐clinical setting of individual families.

Better Care Network & Child's i Foundation,

In this video, social worker Diana Nyakarungi describes how Ekisa Ministries in Jinja, Uganda supports parents to care for their children with special needs within the community. 

Better Care Network & Child's i Foundation,

In this video, social worker Evelyn Nateza describes the process used by Child's i Foundation to find Ugandan adoptive families for hard-to-place children.

ChildFund International ,

ChildFund International is recruiting for a Senior Advisor, Child Protection in Emergencies (CPiE) to provide technical leadership, program and research development for ChildFund's CPiE program. 

Better Care Network,

This country care review includes the care-related Concluding Observations adopted by the Committee on the Rights of the Child.

Better Care Network,

This country care review includes the care-related Concluding Observations adopted by the Committee on the Rights of the Child and the Committee on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities.