
Displaying 6211 - 6220 of 14390

The European Network on Independent Living and Disability Rights International,

The European Network on Independent Living and Disability Rights International (DRI) are holding a free webinar on 'Family and Community Integration of Children under the UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (CRPD): Implications for Group Homes and Residential Care of New Human Rights Standards and Findings from Research'.


The purpose of this body of work is to develop guidance on methods and a tool for synthesizing, aggregating and recording qualitative data from the Community-based Child Protection (CBCP) Mapping exercises.

Together for Girls & Government of Honduras,

This fact sheet presents an overview of the data found in El Salvador’s Violence Against Children Survey.

Together for Girls y Gobierno de El Salvador,

Esta página de datos presente un resumen de los datos encontrados en la Encuesta de Violencia Contra los Niños, Niñas y Adolescentes de El Salvador

Sarah A. MacLean, Priscilla O. Agyeman, Joshua Walther, Elizabeth K. Singer, Kim A. Baranowski, Craig L. Katz - Social Science & Medicine,

In this cross-sectional study, the authors assessed the mental health of children held at a US immigration detention center over two months in mid-2018.

Gloria A. Pedersen, Eva Smallegange, April Coetzee, Kim Hartog, Jasmine Turner, Felicity L. Brown, Mark J. D. Jordans - Journal of Child and Family Studies,

This open access review presents evidence for family- and parent-focused interventions on mental health outcomes for children and youth in LMIC and identifies treatment components present in promising interventions.

Heather Taussig and Lindsey Weiler - Re-Visioning Public Health Approaches for Protecting Children ,

This chapter from Re-Visioning Public Health Approaches for Protecting Children argues that mentoring for children in foster care in the US should be considered as one potential strategy for the prevention of adverse outcomes among this vulnerable population.

Deb Duthie, Sharon Steinhauer, Catherine Twinn, Vincent Steinhauer, Bob Lonne - Re-Visioning Public Health Approaches for Protecting Children ,

This chapter from the book Re-Visioning Public Health Approaches for Protecting Children critiques historical and contemporary child protection approaches that are viewed as replicating the colonialist practices of child removal and destruction of families/parenting and communities. Using Australia and Canada as examples, it focuses upon three different sources of the disadvantage and distress that Indigenous communities typically experience: the impacts of Colonisation; intergenerational trauma; and the ongoing social, economic, legal and political inequalities that stem from deep-seated inequity.

John Canavan, Carmel Devaney, Caroline McGregor, Aileen Shaw - Re-Visioning Public Health Approaches for Protecting Children ,

The focus of this collection is the promise of public health approaches to child protection and welfare systems development and delivery, and this chapter from the book Re-Visioning Public Health Approaches for Protecting Children is a case study of what such an approach looks like in practice.

Maria Harries and Melissa O’Donnell - Re-Visioning Public Health Approaches for Protecting Children,

In this chapter from the book Re-Visioning Public Health Approaches for Protecting Children, the authors critically examine the practical and organisational issues as well as the ideational and procedural ones that challenge policy makers, leaders and those delivering services as they attempt to re-focus child protection service delivery toward earlier intervention and prevention within a public health framework.