
Displaying 6171 - 6180 of 14390

Alex Collins, Global Social Service Workforce Alliance,

This 4th annual report from the Global Social Service Workforce Alliance includes a multi-country, four region review of the state of the social service workforce.


This full-day workshop offers the opportunity to walk through the steps of the process to transition from residential to family-based care using a fictional case study and interactive small group discussion.

Global Social Service Workforce Alliance,

The Global Social Service Workforce Alliance hosted the 6th Annual Social Service Workforce Strengthening Symposium on the topic of using evidence as a catalyst for advocacy efforts to support the social service workforce.

Melanie Tamara Kungl, Sandra Gabler, Ina Bovenschen, Katrin Lang, Janin Zimmermann, Gottfried Spangler - Developmental Child Welfare,

This study investigates the nature of newly formed relationships between children and their foster carers.

Beth Njoroge, Peter Kihara, Paul Gichohi - International Journal of Professional Practice ,

The purpose of this study was to establish the relationship between technology as a capacity building strategy and performance of the orphans and vulnerable children cash transfer program in Nairobi County, Kenya.

Merav Jedwab, Yanfeng Xu, Daniel Keyser, Terry V. Shaw - Child Abuse & Neglect,

The objectives of this study were: (a) to measure the time-to-initial placement change in different types of settings, including non-relative foster homes, kinship care, residential treatment centers (RTC), group homes and other types of settings; and (b) to identify predictors of the initial placement change.

Global Child Advocates,

Global Child Advocates is holding a training for social workers to support reintegration of children from institutions to family-based care. 

Allison Gayapersad, Caroline Ombok, Allan Kamanda, Carren Tarus, David Ayuku, Paula Braitstein - Child & Youth Care Forum,

The goal of this study was to examine whether and how alternative kinship structures were reproduced in Charitable Children’s Institutions (CCIs) in Kenya.


The Child Protection Section, UNICEF East Asia and Pacific Regional Office (EAPRO) is seeking an individual consultant to provide technical support to Country Offices in the East Asia and the Pacific Region and the Regional Office on child protection in emergencies and on disability inclusion in emergency programming.

US Department of State,

The Department of State’s Office to Monitor and Combat Trafficking in Persons (TIP Office) announces an open competition for Fiscal Year (FY) 2019 projects to combat trafficking in persons outside of the United States. Applicants are invited to submit proposals describing how they will address a minimum of one of the programming activities described in the Notice of Funding Opportunity.