
Displaying 7941 - 7950 of 14393

The Child and Youth Care Association of British Columbia,

The Child and Youth Care Association of British Columbia, Canada is hosting the 20th National and 12th Triennial International Child and Youth Care Conference in Vancouver, Canada 1-4 May 2018.

Miriam J. Maclean, Catherine L. Taylor, Melissa O'Donnell - The Journal of Pediatrics,

The objective of this study was to estimate the influence of out-of-home care on reading scores, attendance, and suspensions by comparing a matched sample of maltreated children who entered out-of-home care and maltreated children who remained at home.


The goal of this post is to deliver excellent and innovative MEL systems, which are centred on the voice of the beneficiaries, and which enable effective decision-making, encourage learning and influence policy and practice.

Plan International,

Plan International is seeking a consultant to conduct an evaluation of Plan International’s Integrated Protection Mobile Service Delivery approach in Lake Chad (Cameroon, Niger, and Nigeria) and Central African Republic (CAR).

Susan Yoon, Sheila Barnhart, Jamie Cage - Child Abuse & Neglect,

The primary aim of the current study was to examine the longitudinal effects of ongoing physical abuse on the co-development of externalizing behavior problems and posttraumatic stress (PTS) symptoms among child welfare-involved adolescents.

Rebecca Rebbe, Paula S. Nurius, PhD, Mark E. Courtney, Kym R. Ahrens - Academic Pediatrics,

This paper uses person-centered latent class analysis (LCA) methods to examine the relationship between different profiles of ACE exposures and divergent health trajectories amongst this high-risk population.

Michael D. Pullmann, et al - Children and Youth Services Review,

This study presents longitudinal analyses of the case flow of youth aged 3–17 in Washington State's foster care system, tracking rates of screening, scoring above or below clinical criteria cutoff scores, and service receipt.

Sawsan Tabazah - Jordan Times,

Jordan's Higher Council for the Affairs of People with Disabilities (HCD) has committed to improve care and support for children and adults with disabilities, including engaging in de-intsitutionalization efforts, according to this article from the Jordan Times.

Susan Gair, Ines Zuchowski, Lyn Munns, Ros Thorpe, Debbie Henderson - Child & Family Social Work,

Reported here are findings from a recent partnership research project focused on optimizing grandparent contact and ongoing relationships with grandchildren after child safety concerns.