Hong Kong

Displaying 1881 - 1890 of 14391

The Guardian,

Children seem to be facing increasing risks as mask mandates are abandoned and vaccination rates stall.


The war in Ukraine has displaced more than 2 million people as they flee their country to find refuge. Roughly half of those displaced are children. Among them, many are unaccompanied or have been separated from their families. Children on the move in and outside of Ukraine are at heightened risk of violence, exploitation and abuse. This guidance, produced by the UNICEF team, outlines how authorities and aid workers can help keep children displaced by the war in Ukraine safe from trafficking and other forms of exploitation and abuse.

Competition & Markets Authority,

This is a market study conducted by the Competition and Markets Authority (CMA) into children's social care provision in the UK. The study found that there is a shortage of appropriate places in children’s homes and with foster carers, meaning that some children are not getting the right care from their placement. Some children are also being placed too far away from where they previously lived or in placements that require them to be separated from their siblings.The authors recommend the development of national and regional bodies to support local authorities with getting suitable placements for children in the UK.

BBC News,

This BBC news article details the emotional and psychological abuse discovered during the public inquiry into historical institutional abuse in the Church and state-run institutions for children in Northern Ireland.

Better Care Network, Kinnected, ACC International Relief,

The study was aimed at gaining insights into the operations of privately run, Christian faith-based residential care facilities (RCFs) in Myanmar. The outcomes of this analysis provide important insights to inform ongoing awareness raising, advocacy efforts, approaches to providing technical support and deinstitutionalization, and care reform strategies in Myanmar.

Michelle Bachelet,UN High Commissioner for Human Rights,

These opening remarks were delivered by Michelle Bachelet, UN High Commissioner for Human Rights, at 49th session of the Human Rights Council 9 March 2022. The focus of her remarks was on the alarming numbers of children who are torn apart from their families due to a number of reasons.

Child Identity Protection (CHIP) ,

This policy brief aims to foster an understanding that the provision of quality alternative care, requires that the child’s right to identity is safeguarded. 

Mithran Samuel - Community Care,

UK practitioners find the impact they have on people's wellbeing most rewarding but are struggling with administrative burdens, inadequate staffing and workloads, finds first annual British Association of Social Workers (BASW) membership survey.

Protection Cluster Ukraine,

Кластер захисту координує заходи захисту та виступає за вдосконалення політики та законодавства, що стосуються людей, які постраждали від конфлікту. Він також займається розбудовою потенціалу та надає рекомендації щодо включення захисту у всі заходи гуманітарного реагування. Це знімок захисту для України за період з 6 по 9 березня 2022 року, складений Protection Cluster Ukraine.

Protection Cluster Ukraine,

The Protection Cluster coordinates the protection response and advocates for the improvement of policies and legislation affecting conflict-affected people. It also engages in capacity building and provides guidance on mainstreaming protection into all humanitarian response activities. This is the Protection snapshot for Ukraine for the period 6 - 9 March 2022, compiled by Protection Cluster Ukraine.