Hong Kong

Displaying 1921 - 1930 of 14391

New York Times,

Evacuation trains from Ukraine to Poland have become lifelines for women and children forced to evacuate the most hard-hit centres of Ukraine.

Changing the Way We Care,

This guidance has been compiled for service providers who are working with children, families, and separated children in response to the current humanitarian situation in Ukraine and surrounding countries.

WHO, UNICEF, UNHCR, UNODC, Parenting for Lifelong Health,

Реагуючи на кризу в Україні, експерти Оксфордського університету з питань батьківства разом зі своїми міжнародними колегами підготували цей простий у використанні посібник для сімей та інших організацій щодо підтримки дітей у нинішній надзвичайній ситуації. Посібник заснований на доказових дослідженнях.

WHO, UNICEF, UNHCR, UNODC, Parenting for Lifelong Health,

Реагируя на кризис в Украине, эксперты по воспитанию детей Оксфордского университета вместе со своими международными коллегами подготовили это простое в использовании руководство для семей и других организаций по поддержке детей в нынешней чрезвычайной ситуации. Руководство основано на доказательных исследованиях.

WHO, UNICEF, UNHCR, UNODC, Parenting for Lifelong Health,

Responding to the crisis in Ukraine, Oxford University parenting experts together with their international colleagues, produced this easy-to-use guidance for families and other organisations on supporting children in the current emergency. The guide is based on evidence-based research.

Social Finance,

You will hear findings of work done in partnership between Social Finance, LGBTQ+ Youth in Care and a group of care experienced young adults to explore experiences and outcomes.

The discussion will focus on opportunities to work together to design and test solutions that have a lasting impact on LGBTQ+ young people and the wider care sector

Collaborative on Global Children's Issues and the Georgetown University Center for Child, Human Development,

For more on this event, visit:

Alliance for Children Everywhere (ACE) Transition Partners,

In this video Simon Kanyembo, Director of Social Services at ACE Zambia, addresses the following questions: why child welfare organizations should prefer family-based care to institutional care and response to children who are abandoned or unable to be reintegrated.

Alliance for Children Everywhere (ACE) Transition Partners,

In this video Chilala Shilimi Nyendwa, Manager of the Family Preservation and Empowerment Program for ACE Zambia, addresses the following questions: social stigma facing reintegrated children; ability of families to financially support their children and how organizations might respond when families cannot; and child safety outside of institutional care.

Alliance for Children Everywhere (ACE) Transition Partners,

In this video Daisy Muzukutwa, Executive Director of ACE Zambia, addresses the following questions: financial viability of reintegration; future of institutional staff after the transition; and where to begin when considering a transition.