Hong Kong

Displaying 1931 - 1940 of 14391

Michelle Bachelet, UN High Commissioner for Human Rights, 49th Session of the Human Rights Council,

The present report is submitted pursuant to Human Rights Council resolution 45/30, in which the Council requested the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights to prepare a report on the rights of the child and family reunification. All children have the right to family life, yet millions worldwide are suffering preventable separation from their families and associated violations of their rights. In the present report, the High Commissioner recommends that States move to develop global, child rights-based guiding principles and a global strategy for family reunification.


“Care” or “foster care” is often depicted as a system that protects children from parents who hurt them. The truth, however, is that the state often removes children from loving families simply because they are poor. Ironically, a system meant to protect children ends up causing them immeasurable harm.

Changing the Way We Care,

In 2021 Changing the Way We Care (CTWWC) completed a household survey of children and caregivers, in demonstration countries Kenya and Guatemala, to understand their experience of CTWWC services, the protective factors in their families, and the status of child well-being. Part of CTWWC’s year-three evaluation, these resulting four reports are meant to help CTWWC partners, and other care reform actors within Guatemala and Kenya, better understand CTWWC’s impact through the end of the initiative’s third year. 

Changing the Way We Care,

This report contains the complete Kenya and Guatemala Household Survey results.

Anders M Bach-Mortensen, Hannah Murray, Benjamin Goodair, Eleanor Carter, Eleanor Briggs, Aoife O’Higgins - What Works for Children's Social Care,

This report provides analysis of all up-to-date LA sufficiency strategies with a focus on identifying (I) the main perceived challenges for local authorities (LAs) to meet their sufficiency duty, (II) what actions are being undertaken or planned by LAs to improve commissioning outcomes, and (III) perceived negative consequences associated with using certain commissioning or market shaping approaches. This work was commissioned by the Independent Review of Children’s Social Care.

Brandi Lee Lough Dennell, Kenny McGhee, Robert Porter - CELCIS,

This research aims to identify and better understand what it is that enables and challenges the necessary improvements needed at national and local level to support children and young people to successfully transition to adulthood.

Ericka M. Lewis, Vithya Murugan, Kimberly A. Williams, Richard P. Barth, Bethany R. Lee,

This study explored perceptions of Quality Parenting Initiative's (QPI) impact on the foster parent experience, with a particular focus on foster parent involvement in implementation efforts and strengthening stakeholder relationships.

Changing the Way We Care,

Acest cod de conduită urmează să fie utilizat în timpul răspunsului de urgență al Republicii Moldova la criza din Ucraina. Ar trebui să fie susținut de toți adulții și copiii de peste 12 ani.

Changing the Way We Care,

This code of conduct is to be used during the Moldovan emergency response to the Ukrainian crisis. It should be upheld by all adults and children over 12 years old.

Government of Ukraine,

The Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine introduced a modification of item 24 of "Rules of crossing of the state border by citizens of Ukraine". This is an unofficial English Google Translation of the original document published in Ukrainian which is included on Page 2 of this document.