Hong Kong

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Watch the launch of a ground-breaking report: Cycles of Exploitation: The Links Between Children’s Institutions and Human Trafficking. The report makes recommendations for breaking the complex cycles of exploitation that trap children and let traffickers go free.

Better Care Network in partnership with Kinnected,

These video case studies were developed as a part of the Transitioning Models of Care As

Better Care Network,

When parents pass away, grandparents often assume the role of caregivers. Being thrust back into parenthood during a time of immense grief, and with a two-generation gap to bridge, introduces a range of challenges grandparents must overcome. This video look at the learning of practitioners from Upendo Village in Kenya in supporting grandparents caring for grandchildren after their own children have passed away from HIV/AIDs.

Emiel Coltof and Abigail Munroe,

This Global Thematic Review examines the growing evidence of the links between the institutionalisation of children and human trafficking. It highlights how the relationship between the two compounds the harmful nature of both phenomena and offers insight into the global response needed.

Aleksandra Yu. Telitsyna, Aleksandra Yu. Milakova,

Отмечается, что, несмотря на усилия государства и некоммерческих организаций (далее – НКО), сохраняются проблемы адаптации детей-сирот к интеграции в социум. Обращается внимание на тот факт, что исследование речевых поведенческих моделей выпускников детских институциональных учреждений (ЦССВ, ЦССД) некоторых некоммерческих организаций выявляет антиномичность их программ друг другу и исходным целям. Объектом этих противоречий выступает процесс формирования зависимых социальных установок детей-сирот. Задача проведенного авторами исследования – выявить социальные установки выпускников детских (интернатных) учреждений, касающиеся собственной траектории социальной и профессиональной адаптации, и сопоставить, насколько выявленным установкам соответствуют существующие программы постинтернатной адаптации, реализуемые НКО.

Despite the efforts of the state and non-profit organizations (hereinafter — NPOs), the problems of orphans’ adaptation and integration into the society persist. Studies of speech behavioral models in graduates of child care institutions of some non-profit organizations reveal the antinomic nature of their programs and goals. These contradictions revolve around the process of formation of dependent social attitudes in orphaned children. The task of this research is to assess the role that NPOs play in the formation of certain social attitudes of graduates of child care (boarding) institutions (ex-orphanages).

California News Times,

In Los Angeles County, there are almost 19,000 children in foster care. More than 600 need a permanent home. This is the story of the people who dedicate their lives to these kids and how a worldwide pandemic hasn’t stopped them.

The Scottish Government,

Putting this second national report on corporate parenting before the Scottish Parliament in line with their duties under Children and Young People (Scotland) Act 2014, the Scottish Government provides an overview of corporate parents’ activities over the last three years. The report aims to become a useful learning resource for corporate parents.

Sheryl Gay Stolberg - The New York Times,

A bipartisan group led by two former governors is urging President Biden to help an estimated 167,000 children who have lost parents or caregivers.

Faith to Action Initiative,

Faith to Action Initiative is looking for a part-time consultant to support work to coach faith-based orphanages and children’s homes in transitioning their services to family care, as well as projects to increase access more generally to qua

Faith to Action Initiative,

Faith to Action is looking for a full-time employee to support our efforts in outreach to U.S. Christians, sharing the family care message.