Hong Kong

Displaying 2381 - 2390 of 14391

Bethel Lulie - The Alliance for Child Protection in Humanitarian Action,

The purpose of this evidence synthesis is to summarize what is already known about the impacts of the pandemic on children’s mental health risks, specifically in humanitarian settings with the aim of providing an overview of evidence to date. This synthesis captures the toll that COVID-19 and public health measures to reduce its transmission have taken on children’s mental health worldwide due to stressors from social isolation, family hardships, school closures, service interruptions, and economic crises. Evidence relevant to mental health and psychosocial support generally and in conflict-affected settings were included. Together, 52 academic articles and resources and 21 news articles from April 2020 to July 2021 were compiled for this report. 

What Works for Children's Social Care, Centre for Evidence and Implementation,

A systematic review exploring the lived experience of matching children with foster families and examining the evidence on the outcomes of matching decisions.

UN Women,

Age plays a critical role in a child’s migration, but how will gender mediate that experience? Which gender-specific vulnerabilities, needs, and opportunities influence the lives of girls and boys on the move? This report reviews the existing evidence base – official statistics and quantitative and qualitative studies from the community level to the global level – to shed light on these important questions.

The Alliance for Child Protection in Humanitarian Action,

The Alliance is inviting Child Protection and other sector actors, researchers, policy makers, and donors to share their experience, successes, failures and groundbreaking ideas at the 2021 Annual Meeting.

Mona Mehta Steffen, Jeffrey D. Edmeades, Kerry L. D. MacQuarrie, Laurie DeRose, Florence Martin and Thomas W. Pullum,

This paper examines the role that household surveys – such as the Demographic and Health Surveys (DHS) and the Multiple Indicator Cluster Surveys (MICS) – can play in increasing our understanding of the influence of living arrangements on children’s vulnerability, care, and well-being.

International Parent Advocacy Network (IPAN),

The International Parent Advocacy Network (IPAN) is recruiting a part-time grant proposal writer to work as a consultant.

The Alliance for Child Protection in Humanitarian Action,

The Alliance for Child Protection in Humanitarian Action is looking to hear from survey respondents about key resources on child protection and COVID-19 and other Infectious Disease Outbreaks (IDOs) - especially ideas on future versions of these resources.

Ian Austen, The New York Times,

Kisha Supernant has brought radar technology to the search for burial sites in Canada while she works to reshape her profession’s relationship with Indigenous communities.

Nicole Gilbertson Wilke & Amanda Hiles Howard - Children & Society,

Research suggests that children develop best in families, but millions currently reside in residential care centers. Using a mixed methods design, the current study examined (1) antecedents to transition, (2) key elements in the process and (3) outcomes of transitioning models of care.

The Guardian,

For this article from the Guardian, photographer Maroussia Mbaye spoke to women in Senegal who said "crushing social stigma, poverty and lack of traditional support systems had left them with no choice but to commit infanticide."