Hong Kong

Displaying 2841 - 2850 of 14390

UNESCO Education Sector and ECDAN,

This report summarizes the main findings of the High-Level Session on ‘Advancing the Early Childhood Agenda: High Level Session towards a Global Partnership Strategy’, organized by UNESCO.

Joel Rose - NPR Morning Edition,

"The [U.S.] Trump administration separated far more children — the latest total stands at more than 5,500 — starting much earlier than it initially acknowledged," says this piece from NPR. "And more than 1,400 parents were ultimately deported without their children, according to immigrant advocates." The former administration had refused to allow parents who'd been deported back into the U.S. to reunite with their children. "Now all eyes are on Biden."


This webinar event launched the report 'The digital divide: The impact on the rights of care leavers in Scotland,' which shares the findings of a focused piece of research that sought to understand care leavers' experiences of digital exclusion before and during the COVID-19 restrictions in Scotland in 2020.

Patrick Butler - The Guardian,

"Councils have called for financial oversight of England’s privately-run children’s care homes after research showed some of the biggest private equity-owned providers were collectively making hundreds of millions a year in profits," according to this article from the Guardian.

Nikos Kourachanis - Journal of Immigrant & Refugee Studies,

This article examines the housing and social policies for URMs in Greece.

Madhu Kharel, Shibanuma Akira, Junko Kiriya, Ken Ing Cherng Ong, Masamine Jimba - PLoS ONE,

A school-based cross-sectional study was conducted among 626 adolescents in two districts of Western Nepal to examine the association between parental international migration and the psychological well-being of left-behind adolescents.

Justina Racaite, Jutta Lindert, Khatia Antia, Volker Winkler, Rita Sketerskiene, Marija Jakubauskiene, Linda Wulkau and Gene Šurkien - International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health,

The aim of this study was to systematically review the literature on physical health and related consequences of internal and international parental migration on left-behind children (LBC).


UNICEF Philippines is seeking a Child Protection Officer to support the planning, implementation and monitoring of child care programmes at national and sub-national level

Global Philanthropy Project,

Join this call to hear about the results of the Global Philanthropy Project (GPP)’s second-phase survey of the leading government, multilateral, and philanthropic funders of global LGBTI issues.

READY: Global Readiness for Major Disease Response,

The first webinar, hosted on 27 January 2021, is aimed at health practitioners with the goal of introducing the guidance and helping practitioners understand their role in preventing family separation and supporting unaccompanied and separated children.