Hong Kong

Displaying 2851 - 2860 of 14390

Alice Diver - Korean Adoptee Adoption Research Network,

This seminar was given as part of the Korean Adoptee Adoption Research Network's inaugural seminar series, The Right to Know. Each speaker of the series discussed the concept of the right to origin and examined the broader social, legal and political implications in South Korea as a sending country along with experiences from North America and Europe as receiving countries.

Gabriela Guerrero - Programa de Educación del Diálogo Interamericano y la Oficina Regional para América Latina y el Caribe de UNICEF,

Este mapeo inicial tiene dos objetivos: a) identificar temas e intereses comunes entre las encuestas implementadas en los diferentes países de la región; y b) analizar las fortalezas y desafíos enfrentados cuando se implementan este tipo de ejercicios de medición, en particular durante una situación de distanciamiento social como la que implica la Covid-19.

Isabelle Lensvelt, Alexander Hassett, and Alicia Colbridge - Adolescents,

In this study, Interpretative Phenomenological Analysis was used to analyse eight semi-structured interviews with black and minority ethnic (BAME) care-leavers about their experience of identity development.

Thomas Gabriel, Samuel Keller and Clara Bombach - Frontiers in Psychology,

This article hermeneutically reconstructs biographies decades after leaving-care to understand the impact of residential care experiences on selected dimensions of care-leavers’ well-being, that were discovered in the data material.

Liezl Human - Ground Up,

According to this article from Ground Up, several civil society organisations have urged South Africa's Minister of Social Development, Lindiwe Zulu, to introduce a Child Support Grant Top-Up for orphans in the care of extended family. 

The New Indian Express,

"The Juvenile Aid Police Unit (JAPU) of Chennai city police and the Child Welfare Committee (CWC) workers have sealed an unlicenced juvenile orphanage home ‘SEERS’ (Socio-Economic Education Rehabilitation Society) at Sathyamurthy Nagar in Vyasarpadi on Monday, and all the 18 juveniles were shifted to other juvenile care homes," says this article from the New Indian Express.

National Family Support Network,

This webinar will provide an overview of how Family Resource Centers' pandemic response has raised their profile.

Priscilla Alvarez and Evan Perez - CNN,

"The Justice Department formally rescinded the Trump administration's controversial 'zero tolerance' policy that called for the criminal prosecution of adults crossing the border and led to the separation of thousands of families, according to a memo obtained by CNN," says this article from CNN.

Shauna Bowers - The Irish Times,

"A new free legal advice clinic for children and young people in the care system commenced on Tuesday," says this article from the Irish Times.

Tricia N. Stephens - Genealogy,

This commentary challenges the stereotypes created by hyper-attention to the struggles of child welfare-affected parents of color (CW-PaoC) and situates them, and their families, within the broader context of the American appetite for family separation, wherein specific types of families are targeted for scrutiny, intervention and regulation.