Hong Kong

Displaying 3411 - 3420 of 14390

Heidi Rodgers and Jessica McCluney - Community Information Branch, Information & Analysis Directorate, Department of Health,

This publication presents the latest figures on children and young people in care in Northern Ireland.

Todd I. Herrenkohl, Debbie Scott, Daryl J. Higgins, J. Bart Klika, Bob Lonne - Child Maltreatment,

In this commentary, the authors explain how current circumstances reinforce the need for systemic change within statutory child welfare systems and the benefits that would accrue by implementing a continuum of services that combine universal supports with early intervention strategies.

Karen Mets - ERA Forum,

This article examines the current Common European Asylum System (CEAS), which includes several measures to protect unaccompanied minors.

Ambika Pandit - Times of India,

According to this article from the Times of India, 778 civil society organization and individuals working on issues concerning human rights of children have issued an open letter calling for withdrawal of the letter from the National Commission for Protection of Child Rights seeking restoration of children lodged in children homes in eight states back to their families.

Louise Sims - The Guardian,

"A recent review by the Nuffield Family Justice Observatory highlighted a lack of preparation and ongoing support for special guardians, who are often asked to care for children with complex emotional and behavioural problems in challenging circumstances," writes Louise Sims - kinship care and fostering consultant at CoramBAAF - in this article from the Guardian.

Sapna Dhiman, Pradeep Kumar Sahu, William R. Reed, G. Shankar Ganesh, Ramesh K. Goyal, Shilpa Jain - Research in Developmental Disabilities,

The objectives of this study were to describe the mental health status and the change in perceived strain among caregivers of children with special needs in India during the COVID-19 outbreak.

Overseas Development Institute (ODI) and World Vision International,

Join ODI and World Vision for a webinar exploring critical connections between the climate change and violence against children agendas.

Kristen Pisani‐Jacques - Family Court Review,

This article calls on attorneys in the U.S. to learn from the fallout of the pandemic, retain the best responsive practices, and use the lessons learned from this crisis to transform dependency cases, and the child welfare system writ large, into what families need and deserve.

Scottish Government,

The pathway and standards set out what all children in or on the edges of secure care in Scotland should expect across the continuum of intensive supports and services.

The Alliance for Child Protection in Humanitarian Action,

The Alliance for Child Protection in Humanitarian Action (the Alliance) is organizing the 2020 Annual Meeting on Child Protection in Humanitarian Action over a virtual platform from the 5th to 16th of October 2020.