Hong Kong

Displaying 3431 - 3440 of 14390

Jo Dixon, Caroline Cresswell and Jade Ward, Department of Social Policy and Social Work, University of York,

This report presents findings from an evaluation of the House Project (HP) in the U.K., which aims to improve outcomes for young people (in accommodation, education, employment and training (EET), wellbeing, autonomy and integration) and service level outcomes for young people leaving care aged 16 and over.


This Compendium documents UNICEF’s social policy interventions in Europe and Central Asia from 2014-2020 and includes 18 case studies from 15 different countries as well as stories from the field.

Republic of Ghana Department of Social Welfare, UNICEF,

This Training Manual for Caregivers of Children with disabilities has been developed to equip caregivers of children with disabilities (which include biological parents, foster parents, adoptive parents, caregivers in institutions, caregivers in day care centers, healthcare providers, teachers of special needs schools, etc.) with the needed knowledge and skill in order for them to be able to provide the required quality of care for the children for them to grow and develop well and become productive in society.

Ariane Critchley - Scottish Affairs,

This paper draws upon findings from a study which followed families through the process of pre-birth child protection assessment. It is argued that it is necessary to engage critically with the ‘first three years’ narrative that has become dominant in Scottish policy making and the impact this has had on child protection practice and the lives of families. The paper argues for a broader interpretation of ACEs focused on community and public health across the life course.

Charles Oberg, Coleen Kivlahan, Ranit Mishori, William Martinez, Juan Raul Gutierrez, Zarin Noor and Jeffrey Goldhagen - Pediatrics,

This article from the journal of Pediatrics argues that the treatment of migrant children at the U.S. southern border fulfills the criteria for torture and calls on pediatricians and child health professionals to "collaborate with other advocates and advocacy organizations to forge local, national and international responses to stop and prevent torture of migrant children at the border and globally."

World Vision,

This report examines the two-sided dilemma for Venezuelan children during the COVID-19 pandemic: 1) the dire economic situation they faced prior to the declaration of the Coronavirus pandemic and 2) the exacerbating factors that have deepened their vulnerability since the pandemic began.

Scottish Care Leavers Covenant Alliance,

This briefing paper aims to highlight some of the key issues and some of the solutions that have been identified through regular meetings of the Scottish Care Leavers Covenant (SCLC) Alliance during the COVID-19 pandemic, drawing together learning from their own work and extensive networks with partners to offer a number of recommendations, and to prioritise steps to improve the lives of care leavers.

Kirsty Deacon - CELCIS,

A survey was administered to develop a better understanding of the experiences of kinship care households in the UK as a result of the Coronavirus crisis, and what urgent steps could be taken by Government, local authorities and other agencies to help. This supplementary report provides an in-depth analysis of the kinship carers in Scotland and provides the legal context to influence national and local kinship care policies, practices and services of local authorities and other public agencies.

Francie Zimmerman - Center for the Study of Social Policy (CSSP),

This report describes efforts through 2019 by the Center for the Study of Social Policy's Youth Thrive initiative to increase opportunities so that all youth have the chance to thrive.

Center for the Study of Social Policy,

This brief demonstrates the power of Developmental Understanding and Legal Collaboration for Everyone (DULCE) - a universal, evidence-based pediatric care innovation that addresses the social determinants of health and supports early relational health for families with infants from birth to six months - in addressing the critical concrete needs of families with newborns during the COVID-19 pandemic.