Hong Kong

Displaying 3461 - 3470 of 14390


"Argued as being a way to save innocent lives, Japan’s first ever 'Baby Hatch' was established with nothing but good intentions," says this article from Metropolis. "However, a system that essentially allows parents to renounce their parenthood and anonymously give away their child raises questions of ethics, financial priorities and of what is thought to be the best interests of the child."

Jennifer E. Blakeslee, Laurie E. Powers, Sarah Geenen, Jessica Schmidt, May Nelson, Ann Fullerton, Kevin George, Elizabeth McHugh, Mary Bryant, The Research Consortium to Increase the Success of Youth in Foster Care - Children and Youth Services Review,

The current study builds on previous experimental evaluations of the My Life Model (MLM) for self-determination enhancement, which demonstrated effectiveness in improving educational and transition-to-adulthood outcomes for youth in foster care with disabilities, including those with mental health challenges.

Nuria Camuñas, María Vaíllo, Irini Mavrou, María Brígido, Miriam Poole Quintana - Children and Youth Services Review,

The present study analysed the executive, emotional, and behavioural profile of 121 minors aged between 13 and 17, who were living in residential care homes funded by Asociación Nuevo Futuro (Spain).

Estrella Romero, Laura López-Romero, Beatriz Domínguez-Álvarez, Paula Villar, and Jose Antonio Gómez-Fraguela - International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health,

The present study aimed to examine the effects of the Spanish confinement derived from the COVID-19 crisis on children and their families, accounting for child’s age.

Antonio R Garcia, Minseop Kim, Christina Myers, Xuan Trinh - Journal of Social Work,

this study relied on organizational survey data collected from child welfare workers and supervisors during the process of implementing an evidence-based practice—the Positive Parenting Program—and merged those data with data gathered by the Parents' Assessment of Protective Factors survey.


According to this article from TheJournal.ie, immigration experts have warned that "children in care and modern slavery victims who are EU citizens could 'fall through the cracks' and lose their right to live in the UK after Brexit."

Megha Mohan - BBC News,

This article from BBC News tells the stories of transracial adoptive families in which parents of color have adopted white children, and the issues they have faced.

Join this event focused on COVID-19 Child Sensitive, Inclusive & Greener Recovery Strategies to Build Back Better on 24 September at 8am EDT.

Meri Kulmala, Maija Jäppinen, Anna Tarasenko, Anna Pivovarova,

This book provides new and empirically grounded research-based knowledge and insights into the current transformation of the Russian child welfare system. It focuses on the major shift in Russia’s child welfare policy: deinstitutionalisation of the system of children’s homes inherited from the Soviet era and an increase in fostering and adoption.

Fred Wulczyn - Children and Youth Services Review,

Using data from 17 states in the U.S., the author of this study measured the probability of running away from foster care for Black, Hispanic, and White youth.