Hong Kong

Displaying 3531 - 3540 of 14390

Hayley Alderson, Eileen Kaner, Elaine McColl, Denise Howel, Tony Fouweather, Ruth McGovern, Alex Copello, Heather Brown, Paul McArdle, Deborah Smart, Rebecca Brown, Raghu Lingam - PLoS ONE,

The SOLID study aimed to investigate the feasibility of a definitive randomised controlled trial, comparing two behaviour change interventions to reduce risky substance use (illicit drugs and alcohol), and improve mental health, in young people in care.

Kerrie Portman - The Guardian,

"As an autistic care leaver, the hardest part of dealing with the Covid pandemic has been the neglect and lack of support I have experienced at my accommodation," writes Kerrie Portman in the Guardian.

The Institute for Child Welfare Innovation,

This session is pretty straightforward and will focus exclusively on strategies to overcome all the many challenges and barriers to family placement.

Better Care Network, Save the Children, The Alliance for Child Protection in Humanitarian Action, UNICEF, and the Inter-agency Task Force,

Ce document fournit des conseils pratiques aux acteurs du monde humanitaire et du développement sur les adaptations et les facteurs nécessaires à prendre en compte pour soutenir les enfants, que ces derniers soient actuellement soumis à la prise en charge de remplacement ou en attente de placement durant la pandémie de COVID-19.

Better Care Network, Save the Children, The Alliance for Child Protection in Humanitarian Action, UNICEF, and the Inter-agency Task Force,

This document provides practical guidance to actors in humanitarian and development contexts on the adaptations and considerations needed to support children who are either currently in alternative care or are going into an alternative care placement during the COVID-19 pandemic. 

Better Care Network, Save the Children, The Alliance for Child Protection in Humanitarian Action, UNICEF, and the Inter-agency Task Force,

This document provides practical guidance to actors in humanitarian and development contexts on the adaptations and considerations needed to support children who are either currently in alternative care or are going into an alternative care placement during the COVID-19 pandemic. 

Anthony Faiola and Ana Vanessa Herrero - The Washington Post,

"For untold numbers of women and children around the globe, the coronavirus pandemic has meant a twofold threat: The risk of catching a deadly virus coupled with the peril of being locked in confined spaces with increasingly violent abusers," says this article from the Washington Post.

Alan J. Dettlaff, Kristen Weber, Maya Pendleton, Reiko Boyd, Bill Bettencourt & Leonard Burton - Journal of Public Child Welfare ,

This paper describes the upEND movement, a collaborative movement aimed at abolishing the child welfare system as we know it and reimagining how we as a society support child, family, and community safety and well-being.

Zoë Haysom, Gemma McKibbin, Aron Shlonsky, Bridget Hamilton - Children and Youth Services Review,

This Scoping Review investigated research relating to matching children needing care and adult carers.

Sangeetha Sriraam - Indian Law Review,

This paper is an analysis on the history of adoption in India and the machinery in place now.