Hong Kong

Displaying 3731 - 3740 of 14392

Jasmine Aguilera - Time,

"As COVID-19 cases continue to increase across [the U.S.], court orders from two different lawsuits have created a situation that lawyers and advocates are calling another form of family separation," says this article from Time. "Now, parents in Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) detention must decide whether or not to keep their children with them in custody, or to release them out to sponsors."

Patpon Sabpaitoon - Bangkok Post,

"Stay-at-home and lockdown measures have helped to contain the greatest public-health threat the world has seen in decades," says this article from the Bangkok Post. "But as Covid-19 receded in many countries, a new public-health crisis was emerging behind closed doors, with increased domestic violence against women and children."

Hope and Homes for Children,

In this third free webinar, three respected and experienced individuals from the donor community will discuss advice and insights from a donor perspective.

Pablo Carrera, Jesús M. Jiménez‐Morago, Maite Román, Esperanza León - Child & Family Social Work,

The present study analysed associations between threat and deprivation exposure and different facets of emotion understanding in a sample of maltreated children in foster care.

Pablo Carrera, Jesús M. Jiménez‐Morago, Maite Román, Esperanza León - Child & Family Social Work,

The present study analysed associations between threat and deprivation exposure and different facets of emotion understanding in a sample of maltreated children in foster care.

Jasper Lindell - The Canberra Times,

"Family conferences would become a legal entitlement for all vulnerable families involved in the [Australian Capital Territory] care and protection system under a Liberal election commitment to reform the sector," says this article from the Canberra Times.

Dorit Roer-Strier & Yochay Nadan,

This volume adopts a context-informed framework exploring risk, maltreatment, well-being and protection of children in diverse groups in Israel.

Zai Liang & Feinuo Sun - Demographic Research,

Capitalizing on a unique survey in China, the authors of this article aim to study the lasting educational and health consequences of parental migration on children.

Amon Exavery, John Charles, Erica Kuhlik, Asheri Barankena, Godfrey Martin Mubyazi, Levina Kikoyo, Elizabeth Jere - HIV/AIDS - Research and Palliative Care,

This study examines how food insufficiency relates to HIV infection among caregivers of orphans and vulnerable children (OVC) in Tanzania.

Family for Every Child,

In this How We Care series webinar, Family for Every Child members CPTCSA (Philippines), Paicabi (Chile) and Butterflies (India) come together to discuss the work they are doing to address child sexual abuse in their contexts.