Hong Kong

Displaying 4141 - 4150 of 14393

End Violence Partnership and the Office of the Special Representative to the Secretary-General on Violence Against Children (SRSG VAC),

This webinar brought together partners from over 130 countries around the world. At the event, participants were given a chance to hear about and discuss local, national and global perspectives of and responses to the COVID-19 crisis.

Elana Schor - Associated Press,

"Foster children have enormous challenges even in the best of times. The coronavirus pandemic threatens them with even greater turmoil, isolating them from adult supervisors and friends and making it harder to move on to new lives — either with biological or adoptive families, or as newly independent adults," says this article from the Associated Press.

Associated Press - The Guardian,

Unaccompanied children and young people in the U.S. who would normally have been allowed to live with relatives while they awaited decisions on their immigration cases are now being expelled from the country "under an emergency declaration citing the coronavirus pandemic, with 600 minors expelled in April alone," according to this article from the Guardian.

Jennifer Bitterly - The Bogotá Post,

"As tensions and challenges from the nationwide quarantine increase, the usual channels that might pick up on abuse are not working," says this article from the Bogotá Post in Colombia.

Sahana Kribakaran & Dylan Gee - World Economic Forum,

This article from the World Economic Forum describes the impact of the COVID-19 crisis on children in immigration detention in the United States and calls on the US government to take immediate actions to stop the violence against migrant children and families and to protect them from the impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic.

Family for Every Child,

Family for Every Child is seeking a highly-experienced consultant for a 3-year project on interagency collaboration for better integration and reintegration of children on the move between Middle East and Europe.

Timothy Roberton, Emily D Carter, Victoria B Chou, Angela R Stegmuller, Bianca D Jackson, Yvonne Tam, et al. - The Lancet Global Health,

In this study from the Lancet, the authors estimate the additional maternal and under-5 child deaths resulting from the potential disruption of health systems and decreased access to food.

Family for Every Child,

In this online event, Family for Every Child members FSCE (Ethiopia), The Mulberry Bush (UK), Praajak (India) and CSID (Bangladesh) discussed children's care in the context of COVID-19.

John A. Lambie, Hugo J. Lambie, Susan Sadek - Child: Care, Health and Development,



Chloë Finet, Theodore E. A. Waters, Harriet J. Vermeer, Marinus H. Van IJzendoorn, Marian J. Bakermans-Kranenburg, Guy Bosmans - Attachment & Human Development,

The current study examined the attachment development of 92 internationally adopted Chinese girls, focusing on the influence of type of pre-adoption care (institutional versus foster care) and sensitive adoptive parenting.