Hong Kong

Displaying 4181 - 4190 of 14393

Aine Kenny - Irish Examiner,

"Concerns have been raised about how children in the Irish care system are coping during the coronavirus pandemic," says this article from the Irish Examiner.

The Alliance for Child Protection in Humanitarian Action, End Violence Against Children, UNICEF, WHO,

This technical note, which is informed by reports from the field, examines issues that children may face as countries implement lockdowns and stay-at-home orders to curb the spread of COVID-19.

Better Care Network,

The Organizational Governance and Accountability Checklist is designed to help determine whether an organisation providing residential care services, and the principal donor (where the principal donor represents an entity), have sufficient governance and accountability structures in place to mitigate, manage and address risks or issues that may arise in the course of transitioning the model of care.


This video from REPSSI describes the difficulties of providing care services during the COVID-19 pandemic and how care workers can be supported during this time.


El presente informe sistematiza la información recabada en encuentros virtuales realizados con adolescentes y jóvenes y con equipos del Sistema de promoción y protección de derechos desde el inicio del aislamiento.

Ian Thomas & Dr Justin Rogers - The Martin James Foundation,

This  briefing explores the importance of self-care for parents and carers, whilst outlining some ‘top-tips’ and helpful resources that can be accessed online. 


This dashboard draws on periodic country office reporting against an evolving questionnaire, first initiated on 12 March 2020, representing important early indications of the impacts of COVID-19 on the disruption of essential services for children and families.

Street Child,

This rapid assessment was conducted with 12,100 respondents across 13 countries, aimed at understanding the needs and gaps in assuring assistance for affected children and communities during the COVID-19 crisis.

Spoon Foundation,

This briefing note from Spoon Foundation provides considerations for program implementers, policy makers, and funders of programs in nutrition, child protection, and early child development.

Hope and Homes for Children and Lumos,

This call to action, endorsed by several organizations, calls on European governments and European Union institutions to reinforce actions to respond to the needs of the most vulnerable children and families during the COVID-19 crisis. It outlines the main challenges for vulnerable children and families, and what the EU and European governments can do to address these challenges.