Hong Kong

Displaying 4821 - 4830 of 14393

Hannah C. Espeleta, Dana M. Bakula, Christina M. Sharkey, Jennifer Reinink, Amanda Cherry, Julie Lees, Deborah Shropshire, Larry L. Mullins, Stephen R. Gillaspy - Clinical Pediatrics,

This article provides recommendations for adapting the pediatric medical home (PMH) model for health care needs of youth in foster care.

Kim AY, Kim OM, Hu AW, Oh JS, Lee RM - Journal of Family Psychology,

The authors of this study introduce a new construct, birth family thoughts, that captures a sense of curiosity about birth family for adopted individuals, and describe the development of an accompanying brief self-report measure, the Birth Family Thoughts Scale (BFTS).

Lisa S. Panisch, Catherine A. LaBrenz, Jennifer Lawson, Beth Gerlach, Patrick S. Tennant, Swetha Nulu, Monica Faulkner - Children and Youth Services Review,

This study used survey results to examine relationships between parental adverse childhood experiences (ACEs) and protective factors among a sample of 581 parents with young children (≤5 years) who were enrolled in child maltreatment prevention programs.

Michelle Wiley - KQED,

This article from KQED "looks back at some key moments" from the past few years of the U.S. government initiative to separate families at the border with Mexico and the "many legal challenges to stop it."

Sarah Elizabeth Neville & Karen Smith Rotabi - Adoption Quarterly,

This paper examines the implications of recent developments in U.S. intercountry adoption (ICA) policy for vulnerable children.

SOS Children's Villages,

Vulnerable children and families need a strong social support network that acts as a safety net to effectively and sustainably respond to the situation of children and families at risk.

Hannah Walker - The Guardian,

In this article for the Guardian, Hannah Walker, a social worker and life story book worker, writes about the use of life story books for children who have been adopted.

Global Initiative to End All Corporal Punishment of Children,

This blog post from the Global Initiative to End All Corporal Punishment of Children explains the Initiative's in-depth review of states committed to prohibition of corporal punishment.

Kwabena Kusi-Mensah & Olayinka Omigbodun - The Lancet,

This article from the Lancet explores parental migration and its effect on children who are left behind in the context of Sub-Saharan Africa.

ECPAT International,

This briefing paper has been compiled using information included in the Out of the Shadows Index - which measures a country’s response to child sexual exploitation and abuse - and the ECPAT Country Overview for Nepal. The brief highlights the risk of sexual exploitation resulting from voluntourism practices, including volunteering in or visiting orphanages.