Hong Kong

Displaying 4851 - 4860 of 14393

Colleen N. Nugent, Chinagozi Ugwu, Jo Jones, Sharon Newburg-Rinn, and Tammy White - National Center for Health Statistics & Children’s Bureau, Administration for Children & Families,

This report presents demographic characteristics, health service access and use, and timing of key fertility-related milestones among adults aged 18–44 who had ever been in foster care as compared with those who had never been in foster care in the United States.

Nikita K. Schoemaker, et al - Children and Youth Services Review,

The current randomized controlled trial examined the effectiveness of Video-feedback Intervention to promote Positive Parenting and Sensitive Discipline in Foster Care (VIPP-FC) on parenting behavior and attitudes in foster parents.

Elizabeth Stanley & Sarah Monod de Froideville - Critical Social Policy,

Vulnerability has been a guiding narrative to state interventions towards children and their families in New Zealand. This article shows how this progressive notion has been systematically managed to fit pre-established political and policy priorities.

David Crary - Associated Press,

This article from the Associated Press reviews some key findings from a recent analysis on foster care outcomes, compiled by researchers from the U.S. National Center for Health Statistics and the Department of Health and Human Services’ Children’s Bureau.

Amelie Baron - International Business Times,

According to this article from the International Business Times, the government of Haiti "is pushing to deinstitutionalize children so as to avoid the darkest sides of orphanage life -- trafficking of kids or even worse abuse."

Shu‐Wen Liu, Fuhua Zhai, Qin Gao - Child & Family Social Work,

This study investigated whether parental stress was associated with parenting and whether this relationship was mediated by social support in a sample of 255 Chinese immigrant parents from the Survey of Asian American Families in New York City.

Colleen C. Katz, Danielle Busby, Chelsey McCabe - Child & Family Social Work,

The purpose of the current study is to highlight the rates of suicidal ideation and behaviour in youth with out‐of‐home care experience, illuminating the empirical risk factors that may increase their vulnerability.

Morgan E. Cooley & Raymond E. Petren - Children and Youth Services Review,

This study examined how foster parents worked together to parent foster children, how they described their roles and involvement with their foster children, how fostering impacted their coparenting and couple relationship, and their experiences and needs of working together with and within the foster care system.

José Luis Prieto - Forensic Science and Humanitarian Action: Interacting with the Dead and the Living,

This article explores age assessment methods used in estimating legal age or minor status of migrants and the need to minimize false positives with the aim of avoiding mistaken classification of a minor as of legal age.

Nadine Lanctôt - Child & Family Social Work,

The purpose of the study was to evaluate the associations between child maltreatment, cognitive schemas of disconnection/rejection reported in emerging adulthood, and social support perceived in emerging adulthood among young women who have exited placements in residential care.