Hong Kong

Displaying 5901 - 5910 of 14395

Mary Elizabeth Rauktis, Margarida Rangel Henriques, Maria Acciaiuoli Barbosa‐Ducharne, Orlanda Cruz, Marina S. Lemos, Julia Lee - International Journal of Social Welfare,

This article describes the process of revising a measure of out‐of‐home living restrictiveness to be culturally congruent for Portugal, providing preliminary data on validity and reliability, and discusses the feasibility of using this measure in Portugal.

Richard Adams - The Guardian,

"Scotland’s universities are to offer guaranteed undergraduate places to students who have been in care at any point in their lives as part of a groundbreaking effort to increase the number from that demographic doing a degree," according to this article from the Guardian.

Catherine E. Draper, Steven J. Howard, Tamsen J. Rochat - Child: Care, Health and Development,

The aim of this study was to assess the feasibility and acceptability of a home‐based intervention—Amagugu Asakhula—to promote nurturing interactions and healthy behaviours with the caregivers of preschool children.

Shamra Boel-Studt, Jonathan C. Huefner, Hui Huang - Children and Youth Services Review,

The aim of this article is to offer a working blue print to guide the adaptation of quality initiatives aimed at transforming residential care in other child welfare organizations or jurisdictions while taking into consideration the fit of such initiatives within the service environment and the complexities of system-wide change.

Sorina Vasile - Balkan Insight,

"Vulnerable children under the care of the Romanian state are up to 15 times more likely to be diagnosed with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder, or ADHD, than other Romanian children, sparking fears that some are being prescribed drugs to subdue challenging behaviour," according to this article from Balkan Insight.

Irene Salvo Agoglia, Diana Marre - Child & Family Social Work,

In this article, the authors present some results from the first qualitative study that explores the experiences of some Chilean adults who were adopted and searched for their origins in Chile through the National Service of Minor's Search for Origins Program.

Patrick O’Leary, Mohamad Abdalla, Aisha Hutchinson, Jason Squire, Amy Young - The British Journal of Social Work,

The purpose of this article is to address at a broad level the issue of how overarching concepts of child protection and Islam influence social work practice with Muslim communities.

Gifty Gyamah Nyante & Christine Carpenter - Child: Care, Health and Development,

This study aims to explore the experiences of carers of children with cerebral palsy living in rural areas of Ghana who have received no rehabilitation services.

Julianna Finelli & Charles H. Zeanah - An International Perspective on Disasters and Children's Mental Health,

This paper focuses on the complicated experiences faced by Katrina-exposed children and their families and reviews follow-up research on Katrina’s effects on children and their caregivers in both New Orleans, Louisiana, and the coastal Mississippi area.