Hong Kong

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The following report summarizes how UNICEF and its partners have utilized Communication for Development strategies in their work during the period of UNICEF’s Strategic Plan 2014-2017, with an emphasis on 2017.

State of Victoria, Department of Health and Human Services,

This document outlines the partnership between the Victorian Government, Victorian Aboriginal communities and the child and family services sector.

Mariana Incarnato y Andrés Segade - DONCEL,

El presente artículo busca describir brevemente las trayectorias de los adolescentes y jóvenes en su transición del sistema de cuidados alternativos a la vida adulta en América Latina.

Making Cents International,

Making Cents International (Making Cents), in partnership with ChildFund International, developed the Catalyzing Business Skills curriculum for the Economic Strengthening to Keep and Reintegrate Children into Families (ESFAM) project in Uganda. This Trainer’s Guide is intended to be used with children participating in savings groups who are interested in engaging in successful income generation activities.

Making Cents International,

Making Cents International (Making Cents), in partnership with ChildFund International, developed the Catalyzing Business Skills curriculum for the Economic Strengthening to Keep and Reintegrate Children into Families (ESFAM) project in Uganda. This Trainer’s Guide is intended to be used with youth participating in savings groups who are interested in engaging in successful income generation activities.

Making Cents International,

This curriculum aims to build the financial literacy and business knowledge, skills, and attitudes necessary for adult members of Economic Strengthening to Keep and Reintegrate Children into Families (ESFAM) savings groups to successfully generate income.

UN High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR),

This Manual sets the minimum standards and policies for the protection and care of unaccompanied and separated children (UASC) within a foster care arrangement in Malaysia.

Udayan Care,

This is the report of the 3rd Biennial International Conference (3rd BICON) on “Evolving Trends in Alternative Care for Children in South Asia” that was convened by Udayan Care on March 16 & 17, 2018 at Amity University, Noida NCR (India).

Center for the Study of Social Policy,

This resource from the U.S. Center for the Study of Social Policy presents recommendations highlighting strategies for improving the delivery of developmental screening and early intervention for children who become known to state and local child welfare systems.


Esta llamada a la acción se propone activar, o profundizar y fortalecer —según el estado de avance en cada país— apuntan a poner fin al acogimiento de niños y niñas en centros residenciales sin que éste responda a los principios de necesidad e idoneidad encuadrados en las Directrices de Naciones Unidas sobre las modalidades de cuidado alternativo de los niños.