Hong Kong

Displaying 8481 - 8490 of 14401

Save the Children International, Plan International, World Vision International, UNICEF, Save the Children LAC,

Se ha desarrollado la presente herramienta de indicadores a fines de poder contar con un instrumento de medición y evaluación del nivel de progreso alcanzado en cada país respecto de los sistemas nacionales de protección de la niñez.

John H. Laub and Ron Haskins - The Future of Children,

In this brief, John H. Laub and Ron Haskins suggest a number of policies that could help children with incarcerated parents and children in foster care.

ISS Australia, UNICEF, ISS,

This report presents a needs assessment which provides a summary of the situation of children with disabilities who are living in residential care institutions and in communities in Cambodia and proposes seven key recommendations and relevant concrete actions for the short, medium and long term to improve the quality of care of children with disabilities living in institutions and to ensure that they have better access to basic services and are living in a protective environment.

Rise Magazine,

This video from Rise Magazine features tips from parents who have had their children placed in foster care in the U.S. to other parents in the same situation on how to handle visits with their children in the care system.

Rise Magazine,

This video from Rise Magazine is designed to include in training for caseworkers, visit coaches, parent advocates and other frontline staff who will supervise or support parents during visits with children in foster care.

The Inter-Agency Network for Education in Emergencies (INEE) ,

This INEE Guidance Note encourages more intentional and consistent implementation of practical, good-quality psychosocial interventions on the education frontlines by teachers, education administrators, parents, counselors, peers, ministries, and other education personnel.

Maria Angelina Oliva,

Este informe se detalla la propuesta metodológica para otorgar espacios seguros para que los servidores públicos que han atendido a los damnificados por una tragedia en Guatemala puedan descargarse emocionalmente y poner en práctica técnicas de autocuido.

Leilani Elliott, Hanna-Tina Fischer, Sara Lim Bertrand - The Alliance for Child Protection in Humanitarian Action,

This briefing note provides an overview of the Guidance Note: Protection of children during infectious disease outbreaks which provides child protection practitioners with guidance on how to ensure that children's protection needs are considered in preparation for, and in response to, infectious disease outbreaks. 

The Alliance for Child Protection in Humanitarian Action,

This Guidance Note aims to provide humanitarian child protection practitioners, particularly child protection advisors and program managers, with guidance on how to engage in responses to infectious disease outbreaks to ensure children’s protection needs are taken into account in preparedness for, and during responses to, the outbreaks.

Save the Children South Africa,

This document includes protocols, procedures and guidelines for anyone within Save the Children South Africa to prevent and respond to child protection concerns when they arise.