Hong Kong

Displaying 8981 - 8990 of 14401

Eliane Lima Piske, Angela Adriane Schmidt Bersch, Maria Angela Mattar Yunes - Vulnerable Children and Youth in Brazil,

This chapter aims to present a research grounded in the bioecology of human development that analyzed shelter institutions through the perceptions of children aged from 7 to 12 years in Brazil.

George Chitiyo & Morgan Chitiyo,

The purpose of this chapter [from the book Assisting Young Children Caught in Disasters] is to highlight the impacts of the HIV/AIDS pandemic on young children, particularly those aged eight and below, and identify interventions that have been shown to be efficacious in terms of the socio-emotional welfare of children.

Ani Chitemyan - Osservatorio Balcani e Caucaso,

Child Protection organizations in Armenia have recently joined forces to launch a campaign to end violence against children, called "Share Love, Not Violence." 

Katelyn Hemmeke - Korea Exposé,

This article, from Korea Exposé, shines light on the many difficulties and obstacles that South Korean adoptees face in trying to identify and locate their birth families. 

Cristina Flores, KUTV,

This article from KUTV draws connections between what is called the "opioid crisis" in the state of Utah, and all over the United States, and the growing incidence of child abuse in the state.

Nathanael J. Okpych & Mark E. Courtney - Journal of the Society for Social Work and Research,

This study investigated social capital, risk factors, and protective factors associated with the likelihood that youth in foster care will enroll in college.

Rachel Coburn - BBC News,

This video from the BBC tells the story of Tommy, an 81 year-old man who grew up in the Quarriers care home in Renfrewshire, Scotland and suffered incredible abuse at the hands of his carers for over a decade. 

BBC News,

In this video from the BBC two women from the US, tell their stories of being married as children. 

University of Strathclyde and CELCIS on FutureLearn,

Caring for Vulnerable Children is a Master Open Online Class (MOOC) delivered through FutureLearn in partnership with the University of Strathclyde and CELCIS, beginning 23 October 2017.  

Parenting in Africa Network,

The 4th Regional Parenting Conference is taking place from the 23rd to the 28th October, 2017 Mangochi, Malawi.