
Displaying 4431 - 4440 of 14391

Consortium for Street Children,

Consortium for Street Children (CSC) is collecting information from the organisations in its network working with children in street situations around the world via an online survey as well as discussions with individual members.

Ministry of Social Affairs, Veterans and Youth Rehabilitation (MoSVY) of Cambodia,

This Guideline aims to further provide technical guidance to child protection workers in Cambodia to better respond to the child protection risks during a COVID-19 pandemic through case management, including psychosocial support.

Rafaela Lehtme & Karmen Toros - Children and Youth Services Review,

This article describes the empirical results of perspectives and experiences of 11 parents’ engagement in child protection assessment practice through in-depth semi-structured interviews in one county in North Estonia.

Mary Ann Davis - International Handbook on the Demography of Marriage and the Family,

This chapter focuses on the U.S. as the nation with the largest number of adoptions. Although adoptions represent a small portion of family growth, from a demographer’s point of view they are worth investigating.

Dan Anderberg, Christina Olympiou - CESifo Working Papers,

This study explores the relationship between a key early intervention policy in England designed to support families with children up to the age of four and the rate at which children are taken into social care.

Save the Children,

This document provides programme guidance across numerous migrants and displaced (M&D) children contexts.

Child Protection Area of Responsibility (CP AoR),

The Child Protection Area of Responsibility (CP AoR) has developed a series of messages calling on governments to take actions to protect children in their COVID-19 responses.

BJ Newton - Child & Family Social Work,

This paper presents a participatory research study that explored the experiences of a group of Aboriginal Australian parents who have had their children removed by child protection authorities in one Australian state, New South Wales.

Susan Rahimi - The Lancet,

This article from the Lancet reflects on a recent report from the UK Government highlighting the gaps in the multi-agency response to child sexual abuse within the family environment.

Amber Peterman, Alina Potts, Megan O'Donnell, Kelly Thompson, Niyati Shah, Sabine Oertelt-Prigione and Nicole van Gelder - Center for Global Development,

Based on existing published and grey literature, the authors of this paper document nine main (direct and indirect) pathways linking pandemics and violence against women and children (VAW/C). The paper is aimed to be used by researchers, practitioners, and policymakers to help inform further evidence generation and policy action while situating VAW/C within the broader need for intersectional gender- and feminist-informed pandemic response.