
Displaying 6121 - 6130 of 14390

Minhae Cho, Wendy Haight, Won Seok Choi, Saahoon Hong, Kristine Piescher - Children and Youth Services Review,

This study prospectively examined risk factors of first time delinquency for maltreated youth between ages 9 and 14.

Ellen E. Pinderhughes, Judith C. Scott, Jessica A. K. Matthews - Handbook of Children and Prejudice,

Drawing on the extant literature, this chapter will present a multileveled discussion of the experiences of prejudice and bias foster youth face, with a focus on the systemic inequities among diverse youth in foster care, the individual challenges youth with different social identities face, socialization processes that can support these youth, and challenges foster parents face in supporting foster youths’ healthy identity development.

Dorienne J. Silva, Caroline M. Petrilla, Diana Matteson, Seamus Mannion & Stacy L. Huggins - Child & Youth Services,

In this article, a team of practitioners explores the basis, implementation, research base, and future application of Youth Advocate Programs, Inc. (YAP)’s dual-prong service model in building resilience in youth and families in the U.S., providing comprehensive, community-based services as an alternative to institutionalization for youth and young adults with complex needs and challenges.

Associated Press - The Guardian,

A sixteen year-old boy from Guatemala has died in US custody, the fifth child to die in migrant detention in the US since December, according to this article from the Guardian. 

Opening Doors for Europe's Children,

The general objective of this assignment is to evaluate the advocacy approach of the Opening Doors for Europe’s Children Campaign Phase II and to provide recommendation for improving the efficiency and the effectiveness of future Campaigns.

Sandra Dewi Arifiani, Sri Andini Handayani, Monique Baumont, Cyril Bennouna, Santi Kusumaningrum - Child Abuse & Neglect,

This scoping review was undertaken to map survey methodologies for violence against children (VAC) measurement in Indonesia and other Southeast Asian countries and to identify key considerations for developing both methodologically sound and culturally appropriate VAC surveys in Indonesia and similar contexts.

Vignesh Vijayakumar - The Hindu,

An inquiry by police in the Indian state of Namakkal into an audio recording of a conversation on procuring babies for illegal adoption, "which sounded like one between a prospective buyer and a broker, uncovered a network involved in the sale of 30 newborns – 24 of them female -- from various parts of the State," says this article from the Hindu.

Debbie Watson, Rachel Hahn, Jo Staines - Qualitative Social Work,

This paper considers the importance of material objects for looked after and adopted children integrated as part of life story work practices.

Francesca Meloni & Rachel Humphris - Journal of Refugee Studies,

This paper asks how state parental responsibility towards unaccompanied minors is given meaning, and with what consequences, for both frontline workers and unaccompanied minors alike?

Heli Talaslampi, Markku Jahnukainen, Marko Manninen - Children and Youth Services Review,

This study examined the possible differences in educational level by comparing Finnish national register data for 814 former reform school (RS) residents in four cohorts (placed in out-of-home care in 1991, 1996, 2001 and 2006) to 4021 of their peers in the general population matched by gender, age, and place of birth.