
Displaying 6371 - 6380 of 14390

Shanshan Guan, Guosheng Deng - Children and Youth Services Review,

In this study, the outcomes of a whole-community intervention program targeted at improving the well-being of LBC and other rural children ages 7–18 were examined through a quasi-experimental evaluation.

Better Care Network,

Presented at the UN Human Rights Council side event on Promoting Quality Alternative Care for Children with Disabilities on 5 March 2019, this video highlights the work of ABLE, a program of the Cambodian NGO Children in Families that provides inclusive family-based care for children with disabilities.


UNICEF Fiji is seeking a Consultant to support Child Protection Assessment for the Markets for Change / M4C Project.


The objective of this assignment is to ensure UNICEF-supported programmes to be in line with the concepts of rights-based approach, participation and inclusiveness stated by the UN CRPD, UN CRC and other international standards.

Marianna L. Colvin & Heather M. Thompson - The Journal of Behavioral Health Services & Research,

The importance of mental and behavioral health for child welfare clients is well-documented; yet, little is known about the challenges therapeutic service providers (TSPs) experience working in child welfare practice. To explore this topic, five focus groups were conducted with 40 TSPs in a contracted mental and behavioral health agency and data were analyzed following an inductive thematic process.

David Lynes & Angela Sitoe - Adoption & Fostering,

This study uses a qualitative approach to explore the experiences of 22 UK foster carers when a child is ‘moved on’ from a placement, focusing specifically on their experiences of loss.

Abigail Sidery - Adoption & Fostering,

As agencies consider how to build the capacity of carers to support unaccompanied young people, this study set out to learn from the experiences and views of foster carers, in order to inform the development of effective carer training and support.

Diane Dansey, Danielle Shbero, Mary John - Adoption & Fostering,

This article follows on from ‘How children in foster care engage with loyalty conflict: presenting a model of processes informing loyalty’ (Dansey, John and Shbero, 2018), published in the previous edition of this journal.

Sailaa Sunthararajah - Adoption & Fostering,

This article presents a preliminary exploration of the participation in a mindfulness-based group therapy by nine looked after children aged 14 to 17.

Coram Children's Legal Centre,

This report outlines the barriers to settlement demonstrated by the work CCLC has done with children and young people and makes recommendations for the ways in which the government can ensure that these barriers can be overcome as the EU settlement scheme is rolled out.