
Displaying 14031 - 14040 of 14428

Devi Dee,

An informal evaluation of an NGO residential institution in Zimbabwe, based on the opinions of the child residents. Includes recommendations for the improvement of residential care.

Norwegian Refugee Council/ The Camp Management Project ,

A guide for camp management agencies that provides instruction on the care and protection of all children (under 18), as well as those with specific needs, such as unaccompanied and separated children, child heads of households, children formerly associated with armed forces, and out-of-school and unemployed adolescents and youth.

Uganda Ministry of Gender, Labour and Social Development,

The NSPPI provides overall guidance to implementers to mitigate the impact of orphan hood and other vulnerabilities among children in Uganda.

Uganda Ministry of Gender, Labour and Social Development,

This document is the official policy governing National Orphans and OVC of the Ministry of Gender, Labour and Social Development (MGLSD) of the Republic of Uganda. The policy interprets a vision of a society where all orphans and other vulnerable children live to their full potential, where their rights and aspirations are fulfilled.

Anne Case, Christina Paxson, and Joseph Ableidinger,

Research on the incidence, living arrangements, and causes of lower school enrollment of orphans in Sub-Saharan Africa.

Alexandra Posarac and John Innes,

Provides a brief overview of child welfare reforms implemented in the ECA Region and the collective effort to move away from over-emphasis on institutional care through the Changing Minds, Policies and Lives Project.

Moore, J,

Cette these de doctorat porte sur l'attachement et les capacites adaptatives des adolescents places en famille d'accueil. 


This paper reports on the life circumstances of today’s orphaned children in Africa with new data and fresh analyses. The report presents a strategy for ensuring that all of Africa’s orphaned children have a safe, healthy and well-educated childhood, establishing the foundation for a productive adult life and for their countries’ overall development. Therefore, this paper encourages hope in the face of an epic disaster as it offers the possibility of change for those already orphaned and for the generation to come.

The Next Generation MDRC Policy Brief,

Analyzing rich data from in-depth ethnographic interviews conducted in Cleveland, Milwaukee, and Philadelphia, Next Generation researchers documented the challenges that low-income families face as they patch together a variety of arrangements to meet their child care needs.

Brigette De Lay - IRC-Rwanda,

This paper hopes to contribute to a sorely under-documented field of how to reintegrate institutionalized children back into the community in a post-conflict environment. It provides a brief description of IRC Rwanda’s Reunification and Reintegration Program for Unaccompanied Children, emphasizing its innovative nature and promising field methodologies. It includes a review of core principles and a programmatic overview of center and community-based work, outlining key steps in the process. It also provides a brief review of good practices and offer some points of reflection for future work with children in post-conflict situations.