
Displaying 581 - 590 of 14428

Orsolya Szeibert,

This article published in the Hungarian Journal of Legal Studies is part of a complex overview of the connections between the child’s right to be heard and the child’s best interests and parental responsibility matters and cases. The focal point of the paper is how Hungarian codification, judiciary and academic legal literature have changed over the last decade and how they have adapted to the modern child-focused standards.


This report is based on assessments provided by 38 Eurochild members in 26 countries and provides recommendations for each country on how to address among others, child poverty and social exclusion, discrimination, health, online safety and early childhood services.

Sara Ahmad Taha, Manal Anabtawi,

This study aimed to investigate the lived experiences of unaccompanied refugee children in Jordan and shed light on their unique challenges and needs.

CAFO Research Center,

The Care Transition Accelerator Academy provides world-class training from global experts to equip local leaders with the tools and resources necessary to support local programs through the process of transitioning from residential care to family care.

Kathryn E. van Doore, Rebecca Nhep,

This article outlines differing perspectives on orphanage tourism and volunteering from the last decade of research. It examines the contexts in which orphanage tourism occurs and outlines the drivers for this form of tourism. In addition, it discusses the implications of orphanage tourism for children including impacts on child agency, child rights, child development, child protection, and child trafficking and exploitation.

Anne Scully-Johnson - Cambridge University Press,

This research is part of a wider project commissioned by the Hong Kong Committee on Children’s Rights (HKCCR), a non-governmental organisation originally formed in 1992 to promote, advance and ensure the rights of the child in Hong Kong. The aim of the wider project was to establish an independent baseline study of the implementation of Article 12 across all relevant sectors in Hong Kong, from constitutional and high-level policy-making to health and education to matters of leisure, culture and built environment, amongst others.

Adoption UK, Coram Voice ,

Bethan Carter, a research associate at Cardiff University, discusses the ReThink Project; a project run in collaboration with Adoption UK and Coram Voice to investigate what processes are linked to mental health and wellbeing of care-experienced young people and how they manage at two key transitions in life.

UNICEF - ESARO Regional Learning Platform,

This video explores why supporting kinship care is so important, and examines how to support kinship care using examples from government and NGOs in Zimbabwe.

Office of the High Commissioner For Human Rights,

The U.N. human rights chief on Friday called for an investigation into what he called Israel's use of "high-impact explosive weapons" in Gaza, which he said was causing indiscriminate destruction in the besieged Palestinian enclave.

The Alliance for Child Protection in Humanitarian Action,

This webinar explores the existing evidence of the connections between climate change and risks to children’s protection and discuss the role that child protection actors and the wider humanitarian community can take to ensure the protection of children and well-being of children impacted by the climate crisis.