
Displaying 671 - 680 of 14481

Scottish Government,

Young people transitioning from the care system into adulthood are to receive a one-off Care Leaver Payment of £2,000 to support them to move into more independent living under proposals being considered.

Transforming Children's Care Collaborative,

This webinar aimed to show care reform advocates can use budget analysis, cost estimates and evidence on long-term economic benefits to make the case for investing in a more a child-centered social welfare system.

Transforming Children's Care Collaborative,

Join this webinar to learn how care reform advocates can use budget analysis, cost estimates and evidence on long-term economic benefits to make the case for investing in a more a child-centered social welfare system.

James Beal - The Times,

A report into the deaths and serious injury of children in care, which the government tried to keep secret, uncovered evidence of stabbings, sexual exploitation and a lack of suitable placements. The nine-page review examined 89 instances of death or serious harm among the most vulnerable young people in society over a two-year period to June 2020.

Rebecca Nicholson - The Guardian,

This calm, vivid documentary looks at the thousands of youngsters missing amidst the invasion – and their families’ search. Be warned: the Russian response may cause outrage.

Pjotr Sauer - The Guardian,

Report points to ‘wilful killing, torture, rape and other sexual violence, and the deportation of children to the Russian Federation’

Joint Statement,

22 organisations are urging the EU to call for the respect of international humanitarian law and an immediate ceasefire by all parties as the number of children being killed continues to rise.

Child Identity Protection,

Tiegan Boyens, of ATD Fourth World and Teen Advocacy, shares about the importance of staying connected to birth family as an adoptee as well as maintaining other connections such as friendships made throughout childhood. 

United Nations,

The present report is submitted to the General Assembly by the Independent International Commission of Inquiry on Ukraine pursuant to Human Rights Council resolution 52/32, which renewed the Commission’s initial mandate for one additional year. The report concludes that "the collected evidence further shows that Russian authorities have committed the war crimes of wilful killing, torture, rape and other sexual violence, and the deportation of children to the Russian Federation.