
Displaying 741 - 750 of 14518

Durham University, Railway Children, Contextual Safeguarding, Porticus, International Rescue Committee,

Join this webinar to learn about the findings from the Contextual Safeguarding Across Borders (CSAB) project, a two-year study ran by the Contextual Safeguarding research programme at Durham University and funded by Porticus Foundation. This research sought to understand the applicability and feasibility of Contextual Safeguarding in international contexts.

El HUB Regional de América Latina y el Caribe,

This webinar will focus on Family Separation Prevention. Three experiences from countries in the region will be presented, where public authorities and their teams will share their advances and pending challenges in policies and family support programs.

John Kelly - Imprint,

The Biden administration announced a mix of final and proposed rules on child welfare policy today that cover the placement of foster youth with relatives, legal representation for parents and children involved with the system, and the placement of LGBTQI+ youth in foster care. 

Transforming Children's Care Collaborative, Child's i Foundation,

The objective of this webinar was to present the best practices learnt in the implementation of the youth wellbeing project which focused on integrated mental health and wellbeing support for youth and particularly young people with lived experience of care.

Transforming Children's Care Collaborative,

The objective of this webinar is to present the best practices learnt in the implementation of the youth wellbeing project which focused on integrated mental health and wellbeing support for youth and particularly Young People with Lived Experience of Care.


Advancements in Child Protection Administrative Data and Solutions for Tackling Child Exploitation and Abuse

Changing the Way We Care,

Cazul de investiții argumentează importanța și impactul investițiilor într-un sistem de îngrijire centrat pe familie și prezintă o estimare a resurselor necesare pentru a finanța serviciile de care Republica Moldova are nevoie pentru (i) a preveni plasarea copiilor în îngrijire rezidențială; (ii) a asigura îngrijirea copiilor în familii sigure și protectoare; și (iii) a transforma instituțiile rezidențiale în centre comunitare care răspund efectiv nevoilor comunității.

Islam Alatrash - The Guardian,

Hundreds of traumatised children are thought to have lost their families in disaster

Changing the Way We Care,

The Investing in Family Care for Moldova’s Future presents the case for investing in a more child-centered social welfare system in Moldova and provides specific estimates on the resources needed including an estimate of the resources required to fund the spectrum of programs and services Moldova needs to (i) prevent children from being placed in residential care; (ii) place children in safe, nurturing, and supported families; and (iii) transform residential settings into community assets that effectively meet community needs.


On 21st September 2023, the Governments of Canada and Zambia, in partnership with UNFPA-UNICEF Global Programme to End Child Marriage and the Child Marriage Monitoring Mechanism, hosted a High-Level Side Event during the Seventy-Eighth Session of the United Nations General Assembly. The event was titled 'Charting Brighter Futures: Utilizing Data for Accelerated Action to End Child Marriage and Achieve SDG 5.3'.