
Demographic Data

  • Total Population: 44.86 million
  • Population under 15: 42%
  • Life Expectancy at Birth: 62 years
  • Human Development Index: 145 out of 188
  • World Bank Status: Lower Middle Income
  • HIV/AIDS Prevalence (age 15-49): 5.3%
  • Mean Household Composition: 3.9 members
  • Female-Headed Households: 32%
  • Early Marriage (% of girls married by 15 years): 29%

Sources: World Bank, UNICEF, UNDP HDR 2015, DHS 2014

Displaying 10771 - 10780 of 14393

BBC News,

This article discusses Tunisia's anti-drug laws that mandate automatic, one-year sentences, which has led to overcrowded prisons and separation of families. The author describes recent encounters with imprisoned women, including some who were imprisoned for smoking marijuana. 

Better Care Network,

This country brief provides an overview of data on children’s living arrangements in Ghana, extracted from the 2014 DHS survey. 

Catholic Relief Services,

Catholic Relief Services carries out the commitment of the Bishops of the United States to assist the poor and vulnerable overseas. The primary role of the Technical Advisor (TA) II for Vulnerable Children and Social Service Systems Strengthe

Udayan Care,

Realizing the importance and need to improve standards of care, service delivery and mental health of institutionalized children, adolescents and young adults, Udayan Care announces its second biennial international conference on the the

City of Gothenburg,

The City of Gothenburg initiative Social Days 2016 presents "A Good Start in Life - The importance of early universal interventions when creating a good start in life for our children."

International Social Service ,

International Social Services has posted a Terms of Reference seeking bids from professional organisations for the development and delivery of an international training tool, by way of a Massive Open Online Course (MOOC) targeting professionals working with children in need of alternative care and at risk of so being. 

Christian Alliance for Orphans,

Christian Alliance for Orphans (CAFO) will host a webinar on "Protecting Vulnerable Children with Wise and Honoring Media." The webinar will take place March 16, 2016 at 2 PM EST.

Charles Nelson - Brainwaves Video Anthology,

In this video from the Brainwaves Video Anthology, Dr. Charles Nelson shares some findings from his research on the impacts of deprivation on children's cognitive and brain development through the Bucharest Early Intervention Project.

World Tourism Organization UNWTO,

The 31st World Tourism Network on Child Protection meeting was focused on the role and initiatives of the private sector to fight Child Exploitation in tourism. 

Belfast Telegraph,

A recent report by Ulster University Professor Patricia Lundy (in consultation with an expert panel on redress) advised that payments should be awarded to any former child residents of Northern Ireland institutions, irrespective of whether they suffered harm from sexual, physical or emotional violence.