Demographic Data
Sources: World Bank, UNICEF, UNDP HDR 2015, DHS 2013 |
Displaying 13161 - 13170 of 14555
This plan is expected to guide effective and coordinated national responses to prevent and/or alleviate vulnerabilities of children in Uganda over the next five years.
This study analyzed the current social protection environment in the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC) and examined the “vulnerabilities and risks facing children living in poverty in Kinshasa, Bas Congo and Katanga provinces.”
Le Gouvernement du Burundi, en collaboration avec l’UNICEF et l’ONG International Rescue Committee (IRC), a prévu de faire un état de lieux des centres résidentiels pour les enfants.
This handbook aims to provide a useful tool and reference for all those engaging with and within religious communities and faith-based institutions and organisations to prohibit and eliminate corporal punishment of children. It provides information, tools and resources which can be used to work in partnership with others, engage with religious leaders, mobilise support and encourage multi-religious and community collaboration towards the prohibition and elimination of all corporal punishment of children.
This study on violence against children in state-run residential institutions in Kazakhstan was conducted under the national Office of the Commissioner for Human Rights and UNICEF. Data was collected from six different types of state run- residential institutions for children in 3 regions using a multi-methods approach, including surveys with children ( 9-18 years old) and staffs, and interviews with young people (17-23 years old) who had left the care of these institutions.
The first comparative study of young people who have been in state care as children and their post-compulsory education, was undertaken by a team of cross-national researchers.
This paper shows how OVC community responses in Northern Uganda are under severe pressure from a range of factors; but how these community initiatives are not collapsing – as the ‘social rupture’ thesis predicts.
A retrospective exploratory study on 73 family group decision making conferences for children referred to institutional public services in Kenya to investigate the short, medium and long term conference outcomes on child’s safety, permanency and wellbeing.
Version adaptée pour les enfants et adolescents des Lignes directrices relatives à la protection de remplacement pour les enfants «Ton droit de vivre au sein d'une famille et d'être pris en charge dans toutes les situations que tu traverses».
Ce Guide est un outil pour la mise en œuvre des Lignes Directrices relatives à la Protection de Remplacement pour les Enfants. Ses orientations en matière de droits de l’homme s’adressent aux opérateurs professionnels et aux personnes qui travaillent dans les institutions gouvernementales et non gouvernementales, mais aussi aux preneurs de décisions aux différents niveaux des Etats, aux autorités judiciaires, aux législateurs, etc.