Demographic Data
Sources: World Bank, UNICEF, UNDP HDR 2015, DHS 2013 |
Displaying 201 - 210 of 14565
On 24 July 2024, the Council of Europe project “Protecting the Rights of Armenian Children in Post-Conflict Context” organised a roundtable discussion with a view to support Armenia's efforts in deinstitutionalisation reform and enhance the protection of the rights of unaccompanied and separated children.
PM declares ‘dark and sorrowful day’ as royal commission details decades of abuse in state and faith-based institutions
The Alliance for Child Protection in Humanitarian Action Community-level Child Protection (CCP) Task Force invites you to learn more about the strategies to engage communities in child protection prevention and response programmes.
في ا اذهلترّرّ قرد الببنّا ةلتمتا رلنامة متمتا الأباا ذوا يلمهق أحا قورلإتنا وجهات نظّ ونتائج مشــــــــّوت أح مشــــــــتّا وقوفــــــــةات أشــــــــا نلتب ةا نم للت
En el presente informe, la Experta Independiente sobre el disfrute de los derechos humanos de las personas con albinismo presenta diversas perspectivas, las conclusiones de un proyecto de investigación conjunta y recomendaciones para hacer frente a la difícil situación que viven a diario las niñas y los niños con albinismo y mejorar sus experiencias vitales en el contexto del derecho a vivir en familia.
В настоящем докладе Независимый эксперт по вопросу об осуществлении прав человека людьми с альбинизмом излагает точки зрения, результаты осу-ществления совместного исследовательского проекта и рекомендации по реше-нию повседневных проблем и улучшению жизненной ситуации детей с альби-низмом в контексте права на семейную жизнь.
Dans le présent rapport, l’Experte indépendante sur l’exercice des droits de l’homme par les personnes atteintes d’albinisme expose des points de vue ainsi que les conclusions d’un projet de recherche conjoint, et formule des recommandations pour atténuer les difficultés quotidiennes rencontrées par les enfants atteints d’albinisme et pour améliorer leurs conditions de vie, dans le contexte du droit à une vie de famille.
In the present report, the Independent Expert on the enjoyment of human rights by persons with albinism provides perspectives, the findings of a joint research project, and recommendations on improving the daily challenges and life experiences of children with albinism in the context of the right to a family life.
This working paper describes the core care conditions that young children, their parents / caregivers and their families need to flourish. The paper is intended for policymakers and practitioners in Australia who are designing and delivering services and supports to young children and their families.
The South African Early Childhood Review 2024 tracks data on the status of children under six years.