
Demographic Data

  • Total Population: 173,620,000
  • Population under 15: 46%
  • Life Expectancy at Birth: 52.5 years
  • Human Development Index: 152 out of 187
  • World Bank Status: Lower Middle Income
  • HIV/AIDS Prevalence (age 15-49): 3.2%
  • Mean Household Composition: 4.6 persons
  • Female-Headed Households: 19%
  • Early Marriage (% of children married by 18 years): 49%

Sources: World Bank, UNDP, UNAIDS, DHS 2013

Displaying 1651 - 1660 of 14391

Transforming Children's Care Global Collaborative Platform,

The Task Force on Foster Care of the Transforming Children's Care Global Collaborative Platform held the second spotlight webinar series on identifying foster carers on 5 May 2022.

The European Network on Independent Living (ENIL), Disability Rights International (DRI) ,

The European Network on Independent Living (ENIL) and Disability Rights International (DRI) invite you to a webinar, organized to be held on the European Independent Living Day and focuses on the role of international relief and funding in conflict and post-war recovery.

Transforming Children's Care Global Collaborative Platform,

This webinar will be the second of five webinars in the spotlight series on foster care practice organized by the Task Force on Foster Care of the Transforming Children’s Care Global Collaborative Platform.

Nicole G. Wilke, Amanda Hiles Howard, Sarah Todorov, Justine Bautista, Jedd Medefind,

Individual studies suggest most children and youth in residential care centres (RCCs) have living parents, and parental death is not the primary antecedent to placement in residential care. The goal of the present review was to examine the literature to better understand the primary antecedents to placement in RCCs overall. One hundred thirty-two studies, including 60,683 children in 47 nations meet eligibility criteria for inclusion for the overarching review of antecedents of placement.

Safe Places, Thriving Children,

On 02 May 2022, a range of stakeholders from the child care and protection area will gather in Brussels to discuss the need for trauma-informed practices as part of the “Safe Places, Thriving Children” final project even

Josh MacAlister,

This report is a culmination of an independent review of the UK's care system in order to build recommendations for how the system can be improved and to continue feeding in a wide range of views. The work and outcomes of the review were guided by the views of people that have lived experience of the children’s social care system in the UK.

Better Care Network, Kinnected, ACC International Relief,

This briefing paper draws on data and findings from the Insights into the World of Privatized Faith-Based Residential Care Facilities in Myanmar research report.

Better Care Network, Kinnected, ACC International Relief,

This briefing paper draws on data and findings from the Insights into the World of Privatized Faith-Based Residential Care Facilities in Myanmar research report.

Emily R. Munro, Seana Friel, Claire Baker, Amy Lynch, Kirsche Walker, Jane Williams, Erica Cook, Angel Chater,

The Care Leavers, COVID-19 and Transition from Care (CCTC) study explored how COVID-19 impacted on care leavers’ lives and their pathways out of care; examining where young people went, what services and support they received, and how young people got on.

Tehila Refaelia, Anat Zeira, Rami Benbenishty,

This study focused on Israeli care leavers a decade after leaving care and explored various factors associated with satisfaction with both intimate relationships and parenthood.