
Displaying 10171 - 10180 of 14435

Satarupa Dutta - Asian Social Work and Policy Review,

This study captures the lived experiences of twenty-four young Indian girls who have left care in the past four years. It addresses their journey of moving out of care at two levels — their preparation to leave care and their present experience.

Gail Burke - ABC News Australia,

New law allows same-sex couples in Queensland, Australia to adopt.


The EAC Child Policy is the culmination of various processes geared towards the harmonisation of standards on and approaches to the implementation of child rights in the EAC.,

Advisory Council in the Netherlands recommends that its citizens stop adopting children from abroad.

Raad Voor Strafrechtstoepassing en Jeugbescherming,

This document discusses the means by which the Council for the Administration of Criminal Justice and Youth Protection in the Netherlands (the Council) can provide the highest level of protection for children placed in the intercountry adoption focus group.


This issue brief from the UNHCR highlights key messages from UNHCR in regards to family tracing and reunification. The brief outlines the importance of children growing up in a safe family environment and the positive impact this has on a child's psychological, cognitive and physical development. In the best case, alternative care is only required as an interim measure while family tracing is carried out and until the time when children can be reunited with parents or family members.This brief is part of a series developed by UNHCR which aims to guide field operations on key thematic child protection issues. 

Dr Chrissie Gale and Mg Patricia Calero Teran - CELCIS & SOS Children's Villages,

The European Commission Directorate-General for International Cooperation and Development (DG DEVCO) commissioned SOS Children’s Villages International to undertake case studies of arrangements for ‘alternative child care’ in six non-European countries across three continents to help inform the EU’s future strategy for provision of support for children in countries outside Europe.  This report is a case study of one of the six countries, Ecuador.

Dr Chrissie Gale - CELCIS,

The European Commission Directorate-General for Justice and Consumers commissioned SOS Children’s Villages International to undertake case studies of arrangements for ‘alternative child care’ in six non-European countries in three continents to help inform the EU’s future strategy for provision of support for children in countries outside Europe. This report is a case study of one of the six countries, Chile.

Dr Chrissie Gale - CELCIS & SOS Children's Villages,

The overall purpose of this study is to present an ‘introduction’ to alternative care systems in Central and South America (CSA).

SOS Children’s Villages International,

The European Recommendations on the implementation of a child rights-based approach for care professionals working with and for children highlights the steps to be undertaken to develop a child care service workforce capable of applying a child rights-based approach to their work.