
Displaying 10261 - 10270 of 14435

Saeed Rahman, Simran Chaudhri, Lindsay Stark and Mark Canaver -- Forced Migration Review,

According to this article from Forced Migration Review, when the majority of aid comes from external sources, it can cause those who receive the aid to feel powerless. 

Universitiet Stellenbosch University, University College London,

This report evaluates the efficacy of community based organisations and discusses the need for the evaluation of community based care for children living in HIV communities.

Slayter, Elspeth M - American Association on Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities,

This article is a discussion of the state of foster care for children with disabilities.  This study explores three areas related to foster care outcomes: 1) previous disrupted or dissolved adoptions among youth with and without intellectual disabilities; 2) demographic or disability related disparities of youth with intellectual disabilities who were and were not discharged from care; and 3) foster care outcomes of youth with and without intellectual disabilities. 

McCall, Robert B.; Muhamedrahimov, Rifkat J.; Groark, Christina J.; Palmov, Oleg I.; Nikiforova, Natalia V.; Salaway, Jennifer L.; Julian, Megan M.,


This study examined whether interventions in Russian Baby Homes promoting warm, sensitive, and responsive caregiver-child interactions and relationships would be associated with advantages in those children’s behavior years after they transitioned to family care. 

Peter Edwards - The Star,

Stephen Lewis says grandmother-to-grandmother network got rolling in August 2006 during the International AIDS conference in Toronto.


This position provides child protection technical leadership in the design and development of programs for children in countries in conflict, crisis, post-conflict and post-crisis settings across the world, with a specific focus on research, monitoring and evaluation for child protection.

James David Simon; Devon Brooks - Children and Youth Services Review,

This study examines the relationship between different areas of family need and the utilization of home-based, post-investigation services (HBPS) following a child protective services (CPS) investigation.

American Professional Society on the Abuse of Children,

The American Professional Society on the Abuse of Children (APSAC) is now recruiting for the position of Executive Director.

African Child Policy Forum and the Global Partnership to End Violence against Children,

This is a joint statement issued by ACPF and the Global Partnership to End Violence against Children following the Multi-Stakeholder Consultation on Ending Violence against children in Africa held in Addis Ababa, on September 29th and 30th, 2016.

Radio Free Asia,

Than Than Ei was just nine years old when she was sent to work for a family in Yangon, where she suffered years of physical and emotional abuse.