
Displaying 10291 - 10300 of 14435

Nadine Ajaka - The Atlantic,

The Atlantic reviews the challenges children face in the rural Kentucky.

M. Roze, S. Vandentorren, C. Vuillermoz, P. Chauvin, and M. Melchior - European Psychiatry 38 (2016) 51–60,

This study explores social, environmental, individual and family characteristics associated with emotional and behavioral difficulties among homeless children living in the Paris region. 

Amelia Gentleman, The Guardian,

This article in the Guardian reports that French children’s services are struggling to cope with a dramatic surge in unaccompanied refugee children who have abandoned plans to travel to the UK and now want to remain in France.

Sarah Bunt - Qualitative Social Work,

By drawing on an empirical study on placing disabled children for adoption, the article seeks to demonstrate the practical application of critical realist by combining its Retroductive framework with Grounded Theory methods. 

Joy Gabrielli, Yo Jackson, Shaquanna Brown,

The present study offers examination of the association between severity and chronicity of maltreatment history and SU in youth in foster care. 

Megan Song McHenry, MD, Winstone M. Nyandiko, MBChB, MMed, MPH, Michael L. Scanlon, MPH, Lydia J. Fischer, BA, Carole I. McAteer, MS, Josephine Aluoch, BA, Violet Naanyu, PhD, Rachel C. Vreeman, MD, MS - Journal of International Providers of AIDS Care,

Stigma shapes all aspects of HIV prevention and treatment, yet there are limited data on how HIV-infected youth and their families are affected by stigma in sub-Saharan Africa. 

Megan Reuther -,

This story from features Ruth and Buckel, a couple from Story City, Iowa who adopted 19 teenagers over the course of their relationship.

Liz Walsh - The Advrertiser,

This is an article from The Advertiser stating that same sex couples will be given the right to adopt a child in South Australia if a Bill amending the state's adoption law is passed.

On the margins of the UN General Assembly, on 20 September 2016, the United States President Obama hosted the Leaders' Summit on Refugees, alongside co-hosts Canada, Ethiopia, Germany, Jordan, Mexico and Sweden. 

Clive Coleman - BBC,

This article from the BBC states that foster care workers vote to form first foster care workers union.