
Displaying 10391 - 10400 of 14435

Steven D. Cohen - Center on the Developing Child at Harvard University,

This paper explores the ways that developmental science can inform and strengthen the child welfare system to better support the children, families, and communities it serves. 


After being separated from his parents in a Turkish forest, Mahdi Azizi reunited with his family in Sweden after his father spotted him at an open air concert.


The 33rd FICE Congress & 2nd CYC World Conference “Together Towards a Better World for Children, Adolescents and Families” will take place on 22-25 August 2016 in Vienna, Austria.

Emma Graham-Harrison,

This story from the Guardian describes the shock and loss children experience in Aleppo.

RISE Network,

This is a webinar that occurred on August 19 through the RISE Learning Network. 

Lydia Willgress - The Telegraph,

This article from the Telegraph discusses potential problems that can occur with student volunteers.


Maria David Zaya discusses the search to find her daughter who was kidnapped by Boko Haram close to two years ago.

Noah Shpigel - Haaretz,

This article from Haaretz discusses the increasing problem of child labor in Israel.  According to the article, children are taken from their homes through an agreement with their parents and forced to beg at highway intersections for up to 12 hours a day.  

The Child Abuse Prevention Center is seeking a new Director of Advancement to manage all aspects of fund development. 

BenIreland, Nottingham Post,

This story from the UK discusses how gangs recruit children as young as 8 years old to serve as weapons support for older gang members.  These children are recruited to hold knives for gang members, and they are often asked to attack others on members’ behalf.