
Displaying 10411 - 10420 of 14435

Debbie Wolf, World Vision. Huffington Post,

This article from Debbie Wolf of World Vision in Huffington Post discusses the perilous life unaccompanied minors lead after disasters.  

Vatican Radio,

The Chargé d’Affaires of the Holy See's Permanent Observer Mission to the United Nations, Msgr. Simon Kassas, urged the Security Council on Tuesday to 'affirm and support families of children who are victimized in armed conflict'.

Amnesty International, Human Rights Watch,

Amnesty International (AI) and Human Rights Watch (HRW) report that refugees arriving in Australia are being treated inhumanely and abusively.  According to the report, “around 1,200 men, women, and children who sought refuge in Australia, were forcibly transferred to the remote Pacific island nation of Nauru suffer severe abuse, inhumane treatment, and neglect.”

Whitney Moret, FHI 360,

In this report, which has been prepared to inform planning in the USAID-funded ASPIRES project, the authors present a review of some of the existing tools used to assess vulnerability to either separation or negative child well-being outcomes with attention to economic security for the purposes of targeting households for program participation and matching them to appropriate interventions.

Nidos, Danish Red Cross, Jugendhilfe Süd-Niedersachsen, Minor-Ndako, Organization for Aid to Refugees,

This manual has been developed for professionals working with reception families and the unaccompanied children living with them.

Children's Bureau,

This podcast episode features the Miami CARES project. Funded through a Children's Bureau grant, the Miami CARES project brings more than 10 government and community agencies within Miami-Dade (FL) County together to forge a collaborative, systemic approach to identifying minors who are, or are at risk of becoming, victims of human trafficking.

Annie E. Casey Foundation ,

This self-assessment and planning tool is intended for nonprofits and schools working with families to provide services that more effectively reach and engage parents in fostering their children's development. 


Este informe, presenta los resultados de ese estudio, examina las condiciones en que se encuentran los niños y los adolescentes con discapacidad en relación con el ejercicio de sus derechos, y propone algunas líneas de acción estratégica para mejorar las políticas y las prácticas en dirección a la garantía y la restitución del derecho de todos los niños, las niñas y los adolescentes a crecer en un ámbito familiar y comunitario, y sin discriminación. 


Each year Retrak maps the locations of family reintegration placements and tracks trends in locations over time. They have used this information to help them understand the geographic spread of children coming to the streets and to target prevention programmes on ‘’hotspots’’- places from which many children migrate to the streets.


This article discusses the major population displacement that unfolded in Africa’s Lake Chad Basin.