
Displaying 10521 - 10530 of 14435

Johanna K. P. Greeson, Lindsey M. Weiler, Allison E. Thompson and Heather N. Taussig - Journal of Community Psychology,

This study describes natural mentoring among preadolescent children placed in out-of-home care and examines the association between natural mentoring and demographic, maltreatment, placement, and psychosocial characteristics.

Sophia Fischer, Claudia Dolitzsch, Klaus Schmeck, Jorg M. Fegert and Marc Schmid - Children and Youth Services Review,

The present study aimed to assess the relationship between interpersonal traumatic experiences and specific psychopathological symptoms in a high-risk population of girls and boys living in youth welfare institutions in residential care. 

Sophia Fischer, Claudia Dölitzsch, Klaus Schmeck, Jörg M. Fegert, Marc Schmid - Children and Youth Services Review,

The present study aimed to assess the relationship between interpersonal traumatic experiences and specific psychopathological symptoms in a high-risk population of girls and boys living in youth welfare institutions in residential care in Switzerland.

Hilma Forsman, Lars Brännström, Bo Vinnerljung, Anders Hjern - Child Abuse & Neglect,

Aiming to support the design of effective intervention strategies, this study examines the hypothesized causal effect of foster children's poor school performance on subsequent psychosocial problems, here conceptualized as economic hardship, illicit drug use, and mental health problems, in young adulthood. 

M. Àngels Balsells, Nuria Fuentes-Peláez, Maribel Mateo, J. M. Torralbc & Verónica Violant - European Journal of Social Work,

Esta investigación se aborda la necesidad de profundizar en la adquisición y consolidación de las competencias profesionales fundamentales para la acción socioeducativa grupal con familias acogedoras.

M. Àngels Balsells, Nuria Fuentes-Peláez, Maribel Mateo, J. M. Torralba & Verónica Violant - European Journal of Social Work,

This research addresses the need to go deeper into the acquisition and consolidation of the core professional competences for running socio-educational groups with foster families.

Anna Bressanin - BBC News,

This six-part video series from the BBC highlights the discrimination and challenges that poor women of color face in the child welfare system in New York City. 

United Nations Information Centre, Canberra,

The Government of Nauru has introduced a new Child Protection and Welfare Act which has been welcomed by UNICEF for “bringing Nauru into alignment with many international standards.”

National Academy of Medicine,

This paper from the U.S. National Academy of Medicine argues the importance of investment in early childhood development and serves as a call to action “to close the gap between what is known and what is done to support the development of children globally and, in turn, sustainable progress for communities and nations.”

Jennifer A. Silvers, Daniel S. Lumian, Laurel Gabard-Durnam, Dylan G. Gee, Bonnie Goff, Dominic S. Fareri, Christina Caldera, Jessica Flannery, Eva H. Telzer, Kathryn L. Humphreys, and Nim Tottenham - The Journal of Neuroscience,

This study examines the effects of early institutional care on infants' brain development.