
Displaying 11161 - 11170 of 14432

Rachel Kidmana and Tia Palermo,

There are compelling reasons to believe that orphans – many millions due to the AIDS epidemic – are more likely to be sexually victimized during childhood.

UNICEF Belgrade,

UNICEF Belgrade office is seeking proposals from qualified International social policy institutes, research organizations and NGOs for developing a comprehensive study on drivers and determinants of violence against children.

National Institute for Health and Care Excellence (NICE),

This guideline covers the identification, assessment and treatment of attachment difficulties in children and young people up to age 18 who are adopted from care, in special guardianship, looked after by local authorities in foster homes (including kinship foster care), residential settings and other accommodation, or on the edge of care. 

Greta Munns,

This TedX presentation features Greta Munns, a youth empowerment advocate who was placed in foster care at age fifteen. Her “story” is what prompted her exploration of the foster care system.

Travel and Tour World,

This article explores how the demand for orphanage tourism, whether from volunteers or holidaymakers visiting or donating, can fuel child trafficking and abuse. 

Family for Every Child,

Family for Every Child is seeking a consultant to complete an evaluation of the organization and to to act as a critical expert who will provide an informed external perspective on Family’s approach to the evaluation of our strategic plan.

The Lancet,

This comment from the Lancet discusses the rising rate of suicide among adolescent girls worldwide.

Senat [France],

La commission des lois du Sénat francais a examiné les crédits du programme « protection judiciaire de la jeunesse » du projet de loi de finances pour 2015. La rapporteure s’est penchée sur deux sujets liés à la protection judiciaire de la jeunesse qui ont connu récemment des développements importants : d’une part, la question difficile de la prise en charge des mineurs isolés étrangers, d’autre part celle des placements en famille d’accueil.

Terre des Hommes actualites,

L’Etat d’Andra Pradesh est l’une des régions d’Inde qui fait face à un trafic d’enfants des plus importants.  Pour renforcer les capacités des Comites de protection de l'enfance, Tdh a mis en place des procédures afin d’affronter les différentes situations, des formations à l’intention du personnel et une assistance téléphonique notamment.

The Japan Times,

The government of Japan is considering extending foster care services to young people up to the age of 20, according to this article from the Japan Times.