
Displaying 11321 - 11330 of 14432


UNICEF is calling for the submission of proposals to conduct an assessment of alternative forms of care and family support services for children with disabilities in the Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia.

Katherine Purvis and Lindsey Kennedy - The Guardian,

This article highlights the need for potential international volunteers to do research before volunteering, meet minimum requirements of age and skill, and to avoid volunteering in residential child care centers.

Claudena Skran - The Conversation,

This article reports on the need for local adoption solutions for the children who have been orphaned by Ebola in Sierra Leone.

Audrey Scott - Uncornered Market,

This articles asks the questions “If you are interested in volunteering internationally, what are the ethical considerations you should be aware of? Which questions can you ask to better ensure that your actions and any financial contribution are aligned with your values and expectations?”

Yuanyuan Kelly - Global Citizen,

This article explains the ways in which orphanages in Cambodia have become a money-making business which continue to recruit more “orphans” in order to profit from foreign volunteer donations.

Julia M. Pryce, Sarah Lyn Jones, Anne Wildman, Anita Thomas, Kristen Okrzesik, and Katherine Kaufka-Walts - Emerging Adulthood,

This interpretive study examines the experiences of 54 Ethiopian emerging adults who had aged out of institutional care facilities.

Emmaüs International ,

Le groupe Emmaüs CAJED (RDC) agit depuis 1992 pour la réinsertion scolaire et professionnelle des enfants et adolescents en rupture sociale. Enfants des rues, enfants soldats, enfants déplacés…. l’équipe les accompagne dans leur processus de reconstruction. Entretien avec Gilbert Munda, coordinateur du groupe.


Save the Children,

This album presents viewpoints of children and young people, who have been engaged in this participatory research on kinship care - as advisors, researchers, respondents and documenters during the months of June to December, 2014.

Nina Strochlic - The Daily Beast,

This article tells the story of Mwamini and Sadiki Fracoize, a couple in the Congo who are fostering former child soldiers, and describes the system of foster care for demobilized child soldiers in the country.

Petras Vaida - The Baltic Course,

The capital city of Lithuania, Vilnius, is making concerted efforts to close down all orphanages by the year 2020, according to the article.